Friday, June 2, 2023

TDCM: June 2nd - Harold Shapero


Listening Through The Dictionary of Composers and Their Music 

Harold Shapero (1920-2013)


Harold Samuel Shapero was born in Massachusetts. He studied at Harvard under Walter Piston and Paul Hindemith and met Leonard Bernstein there. At Tanglewood, he furthered his study with Copland, and then during World War II he studied with Nadia Boulanger. He was also close friends with Igor Stravinsky. Copland named him among the "Stravinsky School" of American composers and he's also often listed in the "Boston School" along with Arthur Berger and Irving Fine. 


Symphony for Classical Orchestra

Serenade in D for String Orchestra

Sonata in F

Serenade in D for String Quartet

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