Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A New(?) Approach to Missions

If you talked to me for any amount of time about my goals in life you've heard about this. I still haven't found another person/group that is doing it this way, except in a history book. Doing things the same way over and over again and expecting different results is a classic definition of insanity. Its also on of the most frustrating tenets of traditionalism. "It was good enough for _______ its good enough for me!" (usually emphasized with hearty "guffaw"). I bristle at such inane argumentation and instead pursue the novel and creative ways to accomplish my goals. This concept is as such. If you are aware of someone doing things this way please let me know, I'd love to get in contact with them. Anyway, here's how I think missions should be done.

First, get schooled. None of this backwoods "all I need is to be able to read my Bible" stuff. Take advantage of other people's work. Learn how to do your own work. Learn the original languages even if you don't do the balance of the preaching. Don't stop at an undergraduate degree especially if its from ________ Bible College. You need more.

Second, get a team. Don't go by yourself. You're not Hudson Taylor, you're not Amy Carmichael don't try.

-- Philosophical interjection: When discussing a method for anything Utilitarianism is the word on the street. We're looking for what works. --

Get a group of people, families and singles, that are committed to the ministry and committed to the method. A group that has received the call of God on their life and has been commissioned by a local body of believers. The ideal team in my opinion is 3 families and 2 singles/retired people. I'll say more about this.

Third, pick a specific target group. Jews? Not specific enough. Jews in Germany? Closer. Jews in Berlin and the surrounding area? Better. Jews in _______ section of Berlin? Perfect. This allows you to fashion your ministry for that group's needs. Yes, all people need ministers but ministers cannot focus on all people. My Pastor is specifically called to Columbus and the surrounding area. He doesn't concern himself with the day-to-day workings of the underground church in China. Can he help them? Of course. But his personal ministry is specific. Therefore he can pour his life into us and be effective. There are seeming exceptions (John Piper) but they still have specific ministries merely with more scope.

Fourth, support yourself. Up to this point, most people are doing what I'm suggesting. Here is the shake up. Don't go on deputation. Go to college. Huh? How will you garner support? How will you gain valuable experience? How will you get 12 kids? (just kidding). Remember the team? 3 families and 2 others. Each piece has a role to play. Family 1 gets a full-time job in the field and lives on 60% of it. Family 2 gets a full-time job and lives on 60% of it. Other 1 gets a part-time job and lives on it plus church support. Other 2 gets a part-time job and lives on it plus church support. Family 3 lives on 30% of Family's 1&2 while being full-time in the ministry. The remaining 100% is for the ministry. Sending churches for each send enough to fill-in the gaps. If everybody needs 80% of Family's 1&2 to live and a part-time job is 50%. The sending churches (preferably at least 2 but up to 4) send 100% (from 50% to 25% each) of a year's wages to be divided up, 50% to Family 3 and 25% each to the Others.

Are you familiar with the Moravian Church? They were missionaries in Western Europe that used this system. 3 men would enter an area, one would be a barrel maker, one would be a blacksmith and one would preach. The preacher would live on the other two's incomes. Why? Because the 5 years spent on deputation (your average these days) could be spent getting a Masters Degree. Because a business man with a 40 hour a week job will have more credibility than a religious nut being supported wholesale by a bunch a radicals thousands of miles away. I'm not saying any missionaries currently supported wholesale by a group of churches is a religious nut, I'm saying they can look like they are. A job visa is easier to come by in most cases and much easier to hold for longer periods of time. Finally, once the ministry is self-supporting and native they become a partner in the process. This is common but extremely effective in my opinion both for the health of the native ministry and for the missionaries.

Sound good? This is precisely what I want to end up doing. At this point I want to be Family 1, but things can change. If you want to be on a team together let me know.

Braves lost two in a row after winning 8 straight. Losing 4-3 in the 1st in Toronto as I type. Going to see Oakland @ Milwaukee next Tuesday, will be Chipper's first game...can't wait. Will have a "Bonus Post" from the game on the 5th.

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