Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Father's Day Thoughts

Had my first father's day. It was nice, went out to eat at Red Robin. Going to grill out with my dad on Thursday. Several people asked me what it was like to be having my first father's day. Didn't really feel different or weird, but their questions got me thinking, what do I want father's day to mean to me? The answer centers around my dad. I decided that if nothing else, I want to have the same friendship with my son as I have with my dad.

How do I get that? I don't know. If I did I'd be a billionaire public speaker and author. But I'm going to suggest some things here. Just a few, another short one.

First of all, I'm going to play with my son. My dad has always played with me. He still beats me in basketball, boggle, ping pong and chess on occasion. He and I have spent untold hours doing nerdy things with spreadsheets and baseball stats. Before just recently he was always good for a game of catch, recently he can only sustain one cycle of 2-on-2 a week without shattering into a million pieces...just kidding. kind of.

Secondly, I want to teach him stuff. I like to think I'm pretty smart, I've learned every ounce of what I know (and how to know it) from my parents. With no disrespect to my college-graduate high school teacher mother, mostly from my dad. I love history, philosophy and sports. So does he. I want to get a Master's Degree and maybe a Doctorate, he has both. Am I a daddy's boy? I don't know, you'd have to ask him. We've had our disagreements. Which leads to my third and final point.

Third, I want him to argue with me. I respect my dad a million times more than another father I'm associated with because of one key point, I can disagree with my dad and discuss it without repercussion. We have tussled on topics ranging from NBA history to epistemology and back. No one, and I mean no one, can go head to head with me in a game of debate except my dad. That may be arrogant, but I dare you, bring it. However, my dad owns my respect, not only because he's smart, but he is Always willing to participate in a discourse and often takes me to the cleaners.

So, that's my goal as a father. Be who my dad was to me. As I close, I cannot express how extraordinarily lucky (which means blessed) I am to have a dad like mine. I'll be lucky (again, blessed) if my son feels even remotely similarly.

Braves getting a major surge from "Fredo" Freeman. Last night he launched a 1 out, 2 run walk off homer breaking up a shut out in the process. Pretty awesome. Evan Gattis has hit the DL, strained oblique, so that may allow for Beachy to slide into the 25 man easier, but still leaves questions as to who the 5 starters will be. Friday will Teheran vs Peralta, will be awesome.

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