Friday, July 29, 2022

TDCM: July 29th - François-Joseph Gossec


Listening Through The Dictionary of Composers and Their Music 

François-Joseph Gossec (1734-1829)


Gossec was born in Vergnies then a French enclave in the Austrian Netherlands, now a part of Froidchapelle, Belgium. He was tutored by Rameau in Paris and began composing for the Prince de Condé's orchestra. He met and befriended Mozart, Le Duc, Gaviniès, Méhul, and Cherubini. A friend and ally of Napoleon, he was forced into retirement after Waterloo.


Te Deum a Grand Orchestra

Suite du Triomphe de la République

Symphonie à 17 parties in F-major

Symphonie concertante for violin and cello in D major

Messe des Morts

Missa Pro Defunctis

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