Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Flexoril Diaries

So, I'm pretty out of it. I have a strained oblique which is possibly squeezing a sciatic nerve. In the simplest terms I hurted. Through a series of events only possible with the inevitable and ubiquitous red tapedness which is associated with a government employment I am on a 10 lb work restriction, taking drugs which make me loopy with a capital loop and still driving to work tomorrow for an 8 hour day. Equally as surprising but not really surprising at all, I took off most of last week on Dr's orders but as of right now will be receiving no compensation due to injury because I knew I wasn't going to be able to avoid working at all so in being able to work some I must be able to work all and therefore am not entitled to compensation. I'm surprised I understand what I just wrote, if you understand it, kudos all around.

In short, this is less than fun.

Maybe Thursday I'll have good-er news.

PS Braves are the all-time greatest and have a lead over the Gnats of n^millionth power games which is actually like 14 but still a whole bunchedy bunch

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