Tuesday, February 28, 2023

TDCM: February 28th - Gabriel Pierné


Listening Through The Dictionary of Composers and Their Music 

Gabriel Pierné (1863-1937)


Henri Constant Gabriel Pierné was born in Metz, France. He studied at the Paris Conservatory and was a stand-out student under Franck, Massenet, Marmontel, Durand, and Lavignac. He had a number of notable compositions, was made a Commandeur de la Légion d'Honneur, and has a Square in Paris named after him.


Piano Concerto

Concert for Harp and Orchestra

Paysages franciscains, Three Pieces for Orchestra


Ramuntcho, Suite No. 1

Ramuntcho, Suite No. 2

Variations libres et final for flute, string trio and harp

Introduction et Variations for Saxophone Quartet

Les Enfants à Bethleem

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