Saturday, December 7, 2013

The Most Exquisite Thespians

I was inspired by Bill Simmon's 5 most re-watchable Denzel Washington movies, to list my 10 favorite actors. I wanted something more objective than just my memory and general impressions of the movies I've watched. So, I went to and typed in the names of who I though were my favorite actors, about 35 or so, all men to keep it even - not actresses, and then went through their filmographies. I gave them 1.5 points for being in a movie I liked, 1 point for being in a movie I've seen and took away a point for a movie I didn't like. Here are the results:


(2 tied)

Johnny Depp
Russell Crowe
This surprised me, I figured both of these guys would be top 5, but instead they came in tied for 10th just beating out Keanu Reeves and Will Ferrell.

Sean Connery
Indiana Jones, Hunt for Red October, The Rock - I haven't seen a single Bond and he still makes the list.
Paul Giamatti
This also surprised me. But I do love Mr. Giamatti, especially in Shyamalan's Lady in the Water.
Tom Cruise
I believe Ethan Hunt may be my favorite recurring character of all time. At least action character.
Harrison Ford
Han Solo, Indie and very excellent as our President in Air Force One,
Robin Williams
This takes Aladdin in to account, which is a great movie, and an extremely diverse career. Highlights for me are Patch Adams, Jumanji and Dead Poets. Not the highest ranked comedian, which I also found interesting.
Denzel Washington
This dude is a BEAST. I have yet to watch Flight but otherwise I'd seen nearly everything he's appeared in over the last several years. Haven't disliked a single character he's portrayed.
Jim Carrey
From the best comedy (Dumb and Dumber) to some quality scary (The Number 23) with weird (Eternal Sunshine) and wonderful (The Truman Show) in between this guy definitely deserves his ranking.
Will Smith
If this guy is in it, I want to see it. Still waiting for a chance on Ali and his most recent After Earth. But nobody pulls off cool like Mr. Smith.
drum roll please...........
Tom Hanks
Saving Private Ryan alone puts him on the list. His voicing of Woody in Toy Story is awesome, and he can both dominate a film or disappear into his character, both signs of next level talent. If you had asked me before I wrote up this list, I usually go with Hanks, just over Cruise and Denzel. So, now I have a scientific (kinda) way to say, my favorite actor is Tom Hanks.
Other actors and where they ranked:
12 - Keanu Reeves
13 - Will Ferrell
14 - Jack Black
15 - Morgan Freeman
16 - Bruce Willis
17 - Michael Caine
18 - Liam Neeson
19 - Gene Hackman
20 - Dustin Hoffman
21 - Nicholas Cage
22 - Simon Pegg
23 - Leonardo DiCaprio
24 - Brad Pitt
25 - Robert Downey Jr
26 - Mel Gibson
27 - Matt Damon
28 - Mark Wahlberg
29 - Phillip Seymour Hoffman
30 - George Clooney
31 - Steve Buscemi
32 - Ewan McGregor
33 - Christian Bale
34 - Alex Baldwin
35 - Steve Carrell
36 - Alan Rickman
37 - Ian McKellen
38 - Hugh Jackman
39 - John Cusak
40 - Ryan Gosling
Suggest one I forgot, I'll quick rank him and add him to the list!

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