Friday, March 29, 2013

Postmodern Utilitarian Pragmatic

 After many discussions with my Premodern Neo-Platonic bother I have decided to start putting down what I think about stuff. 

"Thinky" stuff.

Mostly for my own benefit as I often have a great answer for one of his arguments and then forget it an hour later, but also to point others to in case the need were to arise.

So I'll start with a Philosophical introduction of myself.

I am a Radically Conservative Postmodern Utilitarian Pragmatic Christian Independent Baptist.

Let's break that down a little.

Radical - I tend to be 100% into things. To "nerd" them if you will. Anything from Sports to Music to organizing my wife's medical bills. All the other qualifiers (Conservative, Postmodern...etc) are increased in magnitude by this radicalism. In other words, I am Radically Christian, Radically Utilitarian and Radically Radical. This not only describes my fervor but also the tendency for my "positions" to be less than mainstream. Fringe may be too strong of a word, but in many ways it is apropos. This also gives me the freedom to distance myself from less-than attractive adherents to any one of the above descriptors. Many pragmatists are not my allies, but I can call my self a Pragmatic because I am a radical.

Conservative - I am historically aware. I am politically red and I am theologically narrow. My radicalism is tempered by a desire to be in-line with THE Standard. This balance will be the topic of many posts in the future.

Postmodern - I reject the notion, that in the created realm, apart from God's direct impact, there is a perceivable absolute truth. Here my bother and I part ways, goofy kid. Keep this is mind if you intend to engage me, I will look for inconsistencies, because I feel they are the building blocks of the universe.

Utilitarian Pragmatic - These are so very closely related, I thought I'd join them together. It works better that way and accomplishes my purpose which means its a good idea.

Christian - I believe I was born in direct rejection of the Supreme Being, my Creator, God (Yahweh, Jehovah as described in the Bible). That He was fully just in destroying me, even deciding not to create me, but instead chose to give me life. In doing so, He demonstrated both His power over me and His love for me. I am not a Christian because I want to be, though I desperately do. I am a Christian because that's who I am made to be.

Independent Baptist - Very specific terms regarding my theological leanings, though they are derived from the same philosophical base as my political leanings. Freedom and Life are the two highest goals of a human being. Your definitions of those words determine everything.

So there you go. Next post (Tuesday or Wednesday next week) will be on Relativism. (MY FAVORITE)


  1. This article doesn't exist. God didn't specifically reveal to me that these words have meaning....


  3. @Shane then why did you comment? @sadermatt first video comes out soon!!!
