Monday, July 31, 2023

TDCM: July 31st - John Tavener


Listening Through The Dictionary of Composers and Their Music 

John Tavener (1944-2013)


Sir John Kenneth Tavener was born in Wembley. Coincidentally, he studied alongside John Rutter at Highgate School before enrolling in the Royal Academy of Music where he studied under Lennox Berkeley. Tavener wrote many choral works influenced by his personal life and conversion to the Orthodox Church. 


The Protecting Veil

Funeral Canticle

Darkness into Light

Fall and Resurrection


Sacred Choral Music

Friday, July 28, 2023

TDCM: July 28th - Giuseppe Tartini


Listening Through The Dictionary of Composers and Their Music 

Giuseppe Tartini (1692-1770)


Giuseppe Tartini was born in Pirano in the Republic of Venice. He studied music in the monastery of St. Francis in Assisi. He served under several different patrons and is believed to be the owner of the first violin made by Antonio Stradivari.


Devil's Trill Sonata

Sonatas for Violin and Cello

Violin Sonatas

Thursday, July 27, 2023

TDCM: July 27th - Francisco Tárrega


Listening Through The Dictionary of Composers and Their Music 

Francisco Tárrega (1852-1909)


Francisco de Asis Tárrega Eixea was born in Villarreal, Spain. He studied at the Madrid Royal Conservatory and then embarked on a career in guitar performance, composition, and teaching. He transcribed many of the greats into his instrument including Chopin, Beethoven, and Mendelssohn. He was known as the Sarasate of the guitar.


Guitar Compositions

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

TDCM: July 26th - Alexander Tansman


Listening Through The Dictionary of Composers and Their Music 

Alexander Tansman (1897-1986)


Alexander Tansman was born in Łódź, Poland. He studied at the Lodz Conservatory and then at Warsaw. He emigrated to France and was drawn to the music of Ravel, Stravinsky, Milhaud, and Honegger. The latter two attempted to recruit him into Les Six but he remained an independent early example of neoclassical thought. He eventually became a naturalized French citizen, did a world tour, and was given the Order of the Arts and the Letters by the French Academy.


Symphony No. 5

Symphony No. 6

Symphony No. 7

Symphony No. 9

Piano Concerto No. 2

Piano Music

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

TDCM: July 25th - Thomas Tallis


Listening Through The Dictionary of Composers and Their Music 

Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585)


Thomas Tallis was probably born during the reign of Henry VII. He served in the royal courts of four successive monarchs, from Henry VIII to Elizabeth I. He somehow managed to avoid the upheaval characterizing those monarchies and left an immensely impactful repertoire of Renaissance compositions. 


Spem in alium

O Nata Lux

Te lucis ante terminum

The Lamentations of Jeremiah the Prophet

Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis by R. Vaughan-Williams

Monday, July 24, 2023

TDCM: July 24th - Tōru Takemitsu


Listening Through The Dictionary of Composers and Their Music 

Tōru Takemitsu (1930-1996)


Takemitsu was born in Tokyo. He was conscripted into military service but worked with the Allies after the occupation. He developed a form of electronic music and drew the attention of contemporaries Igor Stravinsky, Aaron Copland, and Karlheinz Stockhausen. He also lectured with Cage and was an important member of the 20th-century avant-garde community. 



Orion and Pleiades

A Flock Descends Into The Pentagonal Garden

From me flows what you call Time


In an autumn garden

Friday, July 21, 2023

TDCM: Review of the "S" Composers


Listening Through The Dictionary of Composers and Their Music 

List, Stats, Curiosities of the "S" Composers

  1. Camille Saint-Saëns
  2. Aulis Sallinen
  3. Giuseppe Sammartini
  4. Pablo de Sarasate
  5. Erik Satie
  6. Alessandro Scarlatti
  7. Domenico Scarlatti
  8. Samuel Scheidt
  9. Franz Schmidt
  10. Florent Schmitt
  11. Alfred Schnittke
  12. Othmar Shoeck
  13. Arnold Schoenberg
  14. Franz Schreker
  15. Franz Schubert
  16. Gunther Schuller
  17. William Schuman
  18. Robert Schumann
  19. Heinrich Schütz
  20. Cyril Scott
  21. Mátyás Seiber
  22. Roger Sessions
  23. Harold Shapero
  24. Ralph Shapey
  25. Rodion Shchedrin
  26. Dmitri Shostakovich
  27. Jean Sibelius
  28. Elie Siegmeister
  29. Robert Simpson
  30. Christian Sinding
  31. Niko Skalkottas
  32. Alexander Scriabin
  33. Bedřich Smetana
  34. Ethel Smyth
  35. Fernando Sor
  36. Leo Sowerby
  37. Louis Spohr
  38. Gaspare Spontini
  39. John Stainer
  40. Johann Stamitz
  41. Carl Stamitz
  42. Charles Villiers Stanford
  43. Robert Still
  44. Karlheinz Stockhausen
  45. Johann Strauss II
  46. Richard Strauss
  47. Igor Stravinsky
  48. Josef Suk
  49. Arthur Sullivan
  50. Franz von Suppè
  51. Jan Sweelinck
  52. Karol Szymanowski


American 7
German 7
English 6
Russian 5
Austrian 5
Czech 3
French 3
Hungarian 2
Spanish 2
Finnish 2
Papalini 1
Irish 1
Lombard 1
Neapolitan 1
Swiss 1
Sicilian 1
Norwegian 1
Dutch 1
Greek 1
Polish 1


Composer - Jan Sweelinck (1562-1621)
Composition - Scheidt's Tabulatura Nova III (1624)*

*Earliest dated composition

Composer - Auslin Sallinen (b. 1935)
Composition - Schuller's String Quartet (2014)

Total Compositions Sampled - 240

Top 10 Ranked "S" Composers

Ranked on a purely subjective personal enjoyment scale

Dmitri Shostakovich (10/10)

Russian, 1906-1975

Symphony No. 7 Leningrad

Richard Strauss (10/10)

German, 1864-1949

Alpine Symphony

Camille Saint-Saëns (10/10)

French, 1835-1921

Symphony No. 3

Jean Sibelius (10/10)

Finnish, 1865-1957

Symphony No. 2

Robert Schumann (10/10)

German, 1810-1856

Symphony No. 1 Spring

Bedřich Smetana (10/10)

Czech, 1824-1884

Ma Vlast

Franz Schubert (10/10)

Austrian, 1797-1828

Symphony No. 7 The Unfinished

Christian Sinding (10/10)

Norwegian, 1856-1941

Symphony No. 1

Igor Stravinsky (10/10)

Russian, 1882-1971

The Rite of Spring

Arthur Sullivan (10/10)

English, 1842-1900

The Moon and I

TDCM: July 21st - Karol Szymanowski


Listening Through The Dictionary of Composers and Their Music 

Karol Szymanowski (1882-1937)


Karol Maciej Szymanowski was born in Tymoszówka, Russia to Polish gentry. He studied at the Warsaw Conservatory He founded the Young Polish Composers' Publishing Company and did much to support the work done by his fellow countrymen. He briefly served as the director of the Warsaw Conservatory and produced a respected body of work.


Symphony No. 3 Song of the Night

Symphony No. 1

Symphony No. 2

Symphony No. 4

Violin Concerto No. 1

Piano Sonata No. 2

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

TDCM: July 19th - Jan Sweelinck


Listening Through The Dictionary of Composers and Their Music 

Jan Sweelinck (1562-1621)


Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck was born in Deventer, Netherlands. His father and father's father were organists and he followed in the family business. He served as the principal organist for Oude Kerk for over 40 years. He is considered the pinnacle in keyboard complexity prior to the arrival of J.S. Bach.


Toccata in C

Fantasia chromatica in D minor

Fantasias, Toccatas & Variations

Harpsichord Works

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

TDCM: July 18th - Franz von Suppè


Listening Through The Dictionary of Composers and Their Music 

Franz von Suppè (1819-1895)


Franz von Suppé was born Francesco Ezechiele Ermenegildo in Spalato, Dalmatia which is in modern-day Croatia, then in the Austrian Empire. He simplified and Germanized his name and spent much of his career in Vienna. He was a very successful stage composer and producer with a large catalog of works.




Il Ritorno del Marinaio

Friday, July 14, 2023

TDCM: July 14th - Arthur Sullivan


Listening Through The Dictionary of Composers and Their Music 

Sir Arthur Sullivan (1842-1900)


Arthur Seymour Sullivan was born in London. His father was the bandmaster at the Royal Military College in Sandhurst. Arthur became proficient in multiple instruments and began composing as a child. He studied at the Royal Academy of Music and the Leipzig Conservatoire. He met dramatist W.S. Gilbert and the pair are rarely considered apart from each other as they produced a litany of brilliant and hilarious musical plays. 


Symphony in E major The Irish

Cello Concerto

The Mikado

The Pirates of Penzance

Thursday, July 13, 2023

TDCM: July 13th - Josef Suk


Listening Through The Dictionary of Composers and Their Music 

Josef Suk (1874-1935)


Josef Suk was born in Křečovice, in modern-day Czechia. Suk studied under his country's greatest composer, Antonín Dvořák. The teacher appreciated his student so much, Suk married Dvořák daughter. He was an excellent violinist and decorated composer. In fact, he won the Silver Medal in music at the 1932 Summer Olympics.


Serenade for Strings

Symphony No. 2 Asrael

Scherzo Fantastique

Under the Apple Tree

Symphony No. 1

Life and Dreams

Things Lived and Dreamed


War Triptych


Wednesday, July 12, 2023

TDCM: July 12th - Igor Stravinsky


Listening Through The Dictionary of Composers and Their Music 

Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971)


Igor Fyodorovich Stravinsky was born in Oranienbaum, west of Saint Petersburg. He eventually became an ex-patriot Soviet in France and the United States. He studied under Rimsky-Korsakov and like many of his contemporaries was commissioned by Sergei Diaghilev to compose. He went through several distinct phases and pushed 20th-century theory into what is now known as modernism.


Rite of Spring

The Firebird

Symphony in C

Symphony in E-flat major

Symphony in 3 Movements

Violin Concerto


Tuesday, July 11, 2023

TDCM: July 11th - Richard Strauss


Listening Through The Dictionary of Composers and Their Music 

Richard Strauss (1864-1949)


Richard Georg Strauss was born in Munich. His father was the principal horn player for the Court Opera. Richard was precocious and began composing at age 6. Eight decades later, he died as one of the most successful German composers of the Late Romantic period. His music was celebrated by the Nazis but he negotiated the relationship deftly. He was captured by American soldiers at the end of the war and one of them asked him to compose an Oboe Concerto.


Also sprach Zarathustra

Death and Transfiguration

Don Quixote

Symphony No. 1 in D minor

Alpine Symphony

Symphony No. 2 in F minor

Ein Heldenleben

Monday, July 10, 2023

TDCM: July 10th - Johann Strauss II


Listening Through The Dictionary of Composers and Their Music 

Johann Strauss II (1825-1899)


Johann Baptist Strauss II was born near Vienna. His father was also a successful composer. Johann Jr. became perhaps the most prolific waltz composer of all time. He and his father developed a rivalry in his early years but eventually, he eclipsed him and became internationally renowned.


The Blue Danube

Overtures and Marches

Waltzes, Polkas, Czárdás, Marches

Friday, July 7, 2023

TDCM: July 7th - Karlheinz Stockhausen


Listening Through The Dictionary of Composers and Their Music 

Karlheinz Stockhausen (1928-2007)


Karlheinz Stockhausen was born in Cologne. He studied at the Hochschule für Musik Köln and with Messiaen in Paris. He is considered an important figure in the development of electronic music, aleatoric music, and spatialization. He also taught in several countries and four of his children are musicians. 




Opus 1970

Gaze Through the Stars

Thursday, July 6, 2023

TDCM: July 6th - Robert Still


Listening Through The Dictionary of Composers and Their Music 

Robert Still (1910-1971)


Robert Still was born in London. He studied at Eton, Trinity College, Oxford, and the Royal College of Music. He served in the artillery orchestra during World War II. He spent much of his career composing and giving lessons but also wrote on psychology and psychoanalysis. 


Unable to find any recordings of Still's music.

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

TDCM: July 5th - Charles Villiers Stanford


Listening Through The Dictionary of Composers and Their Music 

Charles Villiers Stanford (1852-1924)


Sir Charles Villiers Stanford was born in Dublin. He studied at Cambridge, Leipzig, and Berlin. He was one of the founding professors at the Royal College of Music and had many significant students including Gustav Holst and Ralph Vaughan Williams. 


Symphony No. 3 "Irish"

Symphony No. 1 in B-flat major

Symphony No. 7

Symphony No. 4

Monday, July 3, 2023

TDCM: July 3rd - Carl Stamitz


Listening Through The Dictionary of Composers and Their Music 

Carl Stamitz (1745-1801)


Carl Philipp Stamitz was born in Mannheim, Germany. His father, Johann, was the last composer in the dictionary and the founder of the Mannheim school of composing. Carl continued his father's legacy and was a virtuoso violinist. He composed 50 symphonies and a number of other works despite a relatively short career.


Clarinet Concerto No. 3

Clarinet Concerto No. 5

Viola Concerto in D major

Piano Concerto in F major

Concerto for Clarinet and Violin in B-flat major