Monday, February 28, 2022

TDCM: February 28th - Giacomo Carissimi


Listening Through The Dictionary of Composers and Their Music 

Giacomo Carissimi (c1605-1674)


Carissimi was born near Rome and spent nearly his entire life in Italy composing for the Church. He served as the maestro di cappella in the Collegium Germanicum from 1628 to his death. He is considered one of the masters and originators of Baroque choral forms.  


Oratorio di Daniele Profeta


Vanitas Vanitatum

Missa "sciolto havean dall'alte sponde"

Historia Di Jephte et. al.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

TDCM: February 23rd - Joseph Canteloube


Listening Through The Dictionary of Composers and Their Music 

Marie-Joseph Canteloube de Malaret (1879-1957)


Canteloube studied at the Schola Cantorum with Vincent d'Indy. He was a French Nationalist and musicologist and spent the majority of his compositional career focusing on French folksongs and writing music celebrating French historical occasions.  


Chants d'Auvergne

Canteloube's contribution to French folksong preservation is immense but not documented on YouTube.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

TDCM: February 22nd - Thomas Campion


Listening Through The Dictionary of Composers and Their Music 

Thomas Campion (c1562-1620)


A poet more than a composer, Campion (or Campian) studied at Peterhouse in Cambridge and then Caen University where he earned a Doctor of Medicine. He worked as a doctor in London and may have been one of the many to fall prey to the Bubonic Plague.


First Book of Ayres

9 Songs

That's really all that's out there other than individual songs.

Monday, February 21, 2022

TDCM: February 21st - John Cage


Listening Through The Dictionary of Composers and Their Music 

John Cage (1912-1992)


One of the most recognizable postmodern composers, Cage was a pioneer in indeterminacy, electroacoustic, and non-standard instrumentation in music. He studied under Henry Cowell and Arnold Schoenberg and traveled widely drawing inspiration, particularly from South-Asian musical concepts. Cage worked around the US in various colleges and became a celebrity in the avant-garde artist community. His contributions to modern dance and 20th-century music cannot be overstated.


Water Walk

A Book of Music

Sonatas and Interludes

Two 2

Sixteen Dances


Friday, February 18, 2022

TDCM: Review of "B" Composers


Listening Through The Dictionary of Composers and Their Music 

List, Stats, Curiosities of the "B" Composers

  1. Milton Babbitt
  2. Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach
  3. Johann Christian Bach
  4. Johann Sebastian Bach
  5. Mily Balkirev
  6. Michael Balfe
  7. Don Banks
  8. Granville Bantock
  9. Samuel Barber
  10. Bela Bartok
  11. Arnold Bax
  12. Amy Beach
  13. David Bedford
  14. Ludwig van Beethoven
  15. Vincenzo Bellini
  16. Arthur Benjamin
  17. Richard Bennett
  18. Alban Berg
  19. Luciano Berio
  20. Lennox Berkeley
  21. Michael Berkeley
  22. Hector Berlioz
  23. Gerald Hugh Tyrwhitt-Wilson, Lord Berners
  24. Leonard Bernstein
  25. Franz Berwald
  26. Harrison Birtwistle
  27. Georges Bizet
  28. Boris Blacher
  29. David Blake
  30. Arthur Bliss
  31. Marc Blitzstein
  32. Ernest Bloch
  33. John Blow
  34. Luigi Boccherini
  35. Léon Boëllmann
  36. François-Adrian Boieldieu
  37. Arrigo Boito
  38. Alexander Borodin
  39. Pierre Boulez
  40. William Boyce
  41. Johannes Brahms
  42. Havergal Brian
  43. Frank Bridge
  44. Benjamin Britten
  45. Earle Brown
  46. Max Bruch
  47. Anton Bruckner
  48. John Bull
  49. Alan Bush
  50. Geoffrey Bush
  51. Ferruccio Busoni
  52. George Butterworth
  53. Diderik Buxtehude
  54. William Byrd 


English 19
German 7
American 6
French 5
Italian 5
Austrian 2
Australian 2
Russian 2
Irish 2
Swedish 1
Swiss 1
Danish 1

Composer - William Byrd (1543-1623)
Composition - The Battell (prior to 1623)

Composer - Michael Berkeley (b.1948)
Composition - Birtwistle's Notes from the End of a Garden (2017)

Total Compositions Sampled - 375

Top 10 ranked "B" Composers

Ranked on a purely subjected personal enjoyment scale, top-10 due to larger pool of excellence

Johannes Brahms (10/10)

German, 1833-1897

Symphony No. 4 in E Minor (1884-85)

Ludwig van Beethoven (10/10)

German, 1770-1827

Symphony No. 5 (1808)

Johann Sebastian Bach (10/10)

German, 1685-1750

Toccata BMW 910-916 

Anton Bruckner (10/10)

Austrian, 1824-1896

Symphony No. 1 in C Minor (1865)

Hector Berlioz (10/10)

French, 1803-1869

Symphonie Fantastique (1830)

Alexander Borodin (10/10)

Russian, 1833-1887

Symphony No. 1 in E-flat Minor (1862-67)

Béla Bartók (10/10)

Hungarian, 1881-1945

Concerto for Orchestra (1843)

Benjamin Britten (10/10)

English, 1913-1976

Simple Symphony (1934)

Max Bruch (10/10)

German, 1824-1896

Symphony No. 3 in E Major (1887)

Samuel Barber (10/10)

American, 1910-1981

Adagio for Strings

Honorable Mention: Mily Balakirev (10/10)

TDCM: February 18th - William Byrd


Listening Through The Dictionary of Composers and Their Music 

William Byrd (1543-1623)


An organist and composer who held posts around the British Isles during the Renaissance, Byrd is considered one of the most important musical figures of his time. While originally an Anglican, Byrd also worked with Huguenots, other continent groups, and eventually converted to Catholicism and was cited for recusancy. He shares a feast day with other composers John Merbecke and Thomas Tallis on November 21st of the Episcopal liturgical calendar. 


The Battell

Consort Songs & Music for Viols

The Three Masses

Ave verum corpus

Thursday, February 17, 2022

TDCM: February 17th - Diderik Buxtehude

Listening Through The Dictionary of Composers and Their Music 

Diderik Buxtehude (c.1637-1707)


A Danish/German composer, Buxtehude was born in Danish-controlled territory in what is now northern Germany. He seemed to claim his Danish heritage but lived and composed throughout the Germanic territories. Only 14 of his couple hundred compositions were published during his lifetime but he has been considered an influence on the Baroque movement as a whole, and its apex J.S. Bach in particular.  


Seven Sonatas


Sonatae a Due

Ciaconna: Il mondo che gira

Membra Jesu Nostri

Deustche Barock Kantaten

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

TDCM: February 16th - George Butterworth


Listening Through The Dictionary of Composers and Their Music 

George Butterworth (1885-1916)


Butterworth was educated at Eton and did further study at Oxford and the Royal Academy. He met Cecil Sharp and Ralph Vaughn Williams and began composing. When World War I broke out, he and his friends signed on as privates in the infantry but he was eventually commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Durham Light Infantry. He rose to Lieutenant of the 13th Battalion, was awarded the Military Cross for bravery, and was killed in action while defending "Butterworth's Trench" during the Battle of the Somme.   


Fantasia for Orchestra

A Shropshire Lad

Suite for Small Orchestra (arr. Phillip Brookes)

Two English Idylls

The Banks of Green Willow

Butterworth's short life resulted in a limited composition catalog. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

TDCM: February 15th - Ferruccio Busoni


Listening Through The Dictionary of Composers and Their Music 

Ferruccio Busoni (1866-1924)


With musician parents, Busoni was started early and rose to a concert-level pianist by his teens. He traveled around Europe, teaching in Leipzig, Helsinki, Moscow, and then crossed the Atlantic to teach in Boston. He wrote extensively, particularly exploring microtones and atonality. He transitioned from a Romantic to a more radical even atonal style particularly after World War I.   


Fantasia Contrappuntistica

24 Preludes

Piano Concerto in C Major

String Quartet No. 1

Indianische Fantasie

Piano Concerto

Six Etudes

Turandots Frauengemach

Die Brautwahle

String Quartet No. 2


Monday, February 14, 2022

TDCM: February 14th - Geoffrey Bush


Listening Through The Dictionary of Composers and Their Music 

Geoffrey Bush (1920-1998)


Bush was an academic, serving as an Extramural lecturer at Oxford and London University. He had studied at the Salisbury Cathedral School and developed a love of music at a young age. He earned degrees at Oxford, including a Doctor of Music, and composed in a wide variety of genres while teaching Music History and writing.   


Symphony No. 1

Sinfonietta Concertante for Cello and Orchestra

Symphony No. 2 "The Guildford"

A Downland Suite for String Orchestra (orch. John Ireland)

Music for Orchestra

Overture Yorick

Concerto for Light Orchestra (movement playlist)

Piano Concertino No. 1

Sunday, February 13, 2022

TDCM: Review of "A" Composers


Listening Through The Dictionary of Composers and Their Music 

List, Stats, Curiosities of the "A" Composers

  1. Adolphe Adam
  2. Isaac Albéniz
  3. Tomaso Albioni
  4. Hugo Alfvén
  5. Charles Henri Valentin Alkan
  6. William Alwyn
  7. George Antheil
  8. Anton Stepanovich Arensky
  9. Thomas Arne
  10. Richard "Tony" Arnell
  11. Malcolm Arnold
  12. Juan Cristóstomo de Arriaga
  13. Daniel Auber
  14. Louis Aubert
  15. Georges Auric 


French 5
English 4
Spanish 2
American 1
Russian 1
Swedish 1
Venetian 1

Composer - Tomaso Albinoni (1671-1751)
Composition - Albinoni's Oboe Concerto's (c1722)

Composer - Richard "Tony" Arnell (1917-2009)
Composition - Arnell's Symphony No. 6 (1992-94)

Total Compositions Sampled - 79

Top 5 ranked "A" Composers

all rankings on subjective personal enjoyment 10 point scale

Charles Henri Valentin Alkan (10/10)

French, 1813-1888
Charles-Valentin Alkan - Wikipedia 
Concerto for Solo Piano, Mvt. 1 (1857)


Hugo Alfvén (9/10)

Swedish, 1872-1960
Hugo Alfvén - Swedish Rhapsody No. 1 (Midsommarvaka), op. 19 
Swedish Rhapsody No. 1: "Midsommarvaka" (1903)

 William Alwyn (9/10)

English, 1905-1985
William Alwyn - Wikipedia 
 Symphony No. 3 (1955-56)

Malcolm Arnold (9/10)

English, 1923-2006
Sir Malcolm Arnold makes the New York Times - Slipped DiscSlipped Disc |  The inside track on classical music and related cultures, by Norman Lebrecht'
Symphony No. 1 (1949)

Richard "Tony" Arnell (8/10)

English, 1917-2009
Richard Arnell - Wikipedia 
Symphony No. 2 (1942-44)


Friday, February 11, 2022

TDCM: February 11th - Alan Bush


Listening Through The Dictionary of Composers and Their Music 

Alan Bush (1900-1995)


Bush studied at the Royal Academy under Frederick Corder and Tobias Matthay. He was a stand-out student and began a piano performance career, particularly in Berlin. He was an avowed Communist which hampered his publishing opportunities but his composition prowess was never in question and has been cemented since his death.  


Symphony No. 1 in C

Symphony No. 2 "Nottingham"

Quintet for String Quartet and Piano

Piano Concerto

Symphony No. 4 "Lascaux"

Fantasia on Soviet Themes

Africa, a Symphonic Movement for Piano & Orchestra

Scherzo for Wind Orchestra & Percussion

Variations, Nocturne and Finale on an English Sea-Song for Piano and Orchestra

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

TDCM: February 8th - John Bull


Listening Through The Dictionary of Composers and Their Music 

John Bull (1562-1628)


John Bull served in Elizabeth I's court and was an organist. He received a doctor of music from both Cambridge and Oxford and taught at Gresham College. He moved to Belgium and was a Cathedral organist. He is considered one of the originators of contrapuntal keyboard music and may have written God Save the Queen, though the authorship is contested.  


Fantasy for keyboard

In Nomine

Chromatic Fantasia

Several pieces on an original Harpsichord

Walsingham Variations

Collected Organ & Harpsichord Works

Monday, February 7, 2022

TDCM: February 7th - Anton Bruckner


Listening Through The Dictionary of Composers and Their Music 

Anton Bruckner (1824-1896)


Bruckner was born in Ansfelden, Austria, and studied music at a young age. He taught in St Florian's monastery before becoming the organist at Linz. He then moved to Vienna, studied composition, and became faculty at the Vienna Conservatory. He adored Wagner and patterned much of sound after him. Bruckner's compositions are considered radical and were divisive during his lifetime. Along with Wagner, Bruckner was also friends with Gustav Mahler, who called him his "forerunner" after studying under him in Vienna. 


Symphony No. 1 in C Minor

Symphony No. 2 in C Minor

Symphony No. 3 in D Minor

Symphony No. 4 in E-flat

Symphony No. 5 in B-flat Major

Symphony No. 6 in A Major

Friday, February 4, 2022

TDCM: February 4th - Max Bruch


Listening Through The Dictionary of Composers and Their Music 

Max Bruch (1838-1920)


One of the lesser-known German Romantics whose name starts with a B, Bruch won the Mozart Scholarship at 14 and traveled Europe studying under various teachers. He taught at Mannheim, Koblenz, Sondershausen, Berlin, and Bonn and also conducted for the Liverpool Philharmonic Society. His gravestone has "Music is the language of God" chiseled under his name. 


Scottish Fantasy

Symphony No. 1 in E-flat Major

Symphony No. 2 in F Minor

Symphony No. 3 in E Major

Violin Concerto No. 2

Violin Concerto No. 1

Concerto for Two Pianos

Suite on Russian Folk Melodies

Septet in E-flat Major

Violin Concerto No. 3

Thursday, February 3, 2022

TDCM: February 3rd - Earle Brown


Listening Through The Dictionary of Composers and Their Music 

Earle Brown (1926-2002)


An American engineering student who briefly played in the Randolph Field Air Force band, Brown studied at Schillinger House before working for Capitol Records and Time-Mainstream Records. He was influenced by and supported by Cage, Boulez, Maderna, Feldman, and others, and is considered a member of the New York School. He is credited with creating "open form" and his influence has been significant on modern composers. 



4 Systems: Piano

Times Five

Windsor Jambs

Twenty Five Pages

December 1952

Octet 1

Syntagm III


Available Forms I

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

TDCM: February 2nd - Benjamin Britten


Listening Through The Dictionary of Composers and Their Music 

Benjamin Britten (1913-1976)


Britten was a prodigy who began composing at the age of four. He studied at the Royal College of Music and was tutored by yesterday's composer, Frank Bridge. He composed 16 Operas, film music, chamber works, and symphonic material. He was particularly interested in compositions for children and instructional material. He was the first composer to ever receive a life peerage. 


Simple Symphony

Four Sea Interludes from "Peter Grimes"

Phantasy Quartet

Variations on a Theme of Frank Bridge

Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in D Minor

Symphony for Cello and Orchestra

Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra

Piano Concerto

Sinfonia da Requiem

A Ceremony of Carols

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

TDCM: February 1st - Frank Bridge


Listening Through The Dictionary of Composers and Their Music 

Frank Bridge (1879-1941)


Bridge studied at the Royal College of Music and then joined the Joachim String Quartet and finally the English String Quartet as a virtuosic Violinist. He traveled conducting and composing with a particular inclination towards spiritual exploration-themed works. He tutored Benjamin Britten and was called one of his most significant influences by the composer that will be featured tomorrow.


Piano Sonata

The Hour Glass

Suite for String Orchestra

Cello Sonata

String Quartet No. 1 "Bologna"


The Sea

Piano Trio No. 2

Phantasie in C Minor

Mid of the Night