Saturday, January 12, 2019

Director Title Belt Vol. 3: The aughts

You can find Vol. 1 here and Vol. 2 here. The currently title Belt holder (from '99) was Michael Mann. Due to the length of Vol. 2 and the number of hits this decade, a fourth installment will be necessary to complete the run.


"Cast Away" Robert Zemeckis
"What Lies Beneath" Robert Zemeckis
"How the Grinch Stole Christmas" Ron Howard
"Traffic" Steven Soderbergh
"Erin Brockovich" Steven Soderbergh
"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" Ang Lee
"Amores Perros" Alejandro G Iñárritu
"Gladiator" Ridley Scott
"X-Men" Bryan Singer
"Memento" Christopher Nolan

A lot going on all over the board at the turn of the millennium. The non-hits from the year are also impressive, including Emmerich's "The Patriot", The Coen Bros' "O, Brother! Where Art Thou?", Shyamalan's "Unbreakable", and Petersen's "The Perfect Storm." 

A pair of doubles from Robert Zemeckis and Steven Soderbergh highlight the year. Zemeckis put Tom Hanks on a secluded island and it was awesome. Hanks and his buddy Wilson are 90% fresh and made $234 million. The Ford-Pfeiffer psych-horror is 46% rotten, but still earned Zemeckis a Saturn nom and $155 million.

Soderbergh did a really nice job telling the story of Erin Brockovich, a woman who single-handedly took on a large power company when their pollution policies put her family in danger. His other hit displayed the multi-threaded storytelling he is so effective at. Each film pulled an Oscar, Globe, and BAFTA nomination, with "Traffic" winning the Oscar. "Traffic" made $124 million and is 92% fresh. Brockovich made $126 million and is 84% fresh. 

Jim Carrey put on a fuzzy green suit and earned Ron Howard a Saturn nom and $260 million. 

Iñárritu made a massive splash with his 92% hit weaving several people's lives stories around their dogs. For the Spanish language film, he took home three awards at Cannes and a BAFTA.    

Nolan also made his full-length feature film debut with what can only be described as an absolute trip. Oscar and Globe noms and 92% fresh don't do the twist in this film justice. While Nolan has skill with characters and dialogue, the distinctiveness of his style centers on the story and his telling of it. If you haven't seen it, don't forget to give it a try.

After Singer's success in the mid-nineties, he was selected to direct the first installment of the X-Men franchise. $157 million, 81% fresh, and a Saturn award prove it to be a success as well.

"Gladiator" is one of my favorite movies. Ridley Scott's best picture-winning historical thriller earned a nomination from the Oscars, Globes, BAFTAs, and Saturn awards and made $188 million.

Finally, we come to Ang Lee's first great blockbuster hit. Crouching Tiger brought a style of martial arts to the big screen which hadn't had the notoriety it received up to that point. Using various camera tricks, special effects, and mechanical gimmicks, Lee's characters seem to defy gravity in the various fight scenes which litter the Chinese thriller-romance film. Audiences and critics alike loved it, scoring 97% fresh and $128 million at the gate. The awards were just as enchanted, sending Lee home with 2 Oscar noms, a Globe win, two BAFTA wins out of three noms, and a Saturn nom.

Between the success and impact of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" its hard to avoid the stand out winner for the first year of the new millennium.



"Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" Chris Columbus
"A Beautiful Mind" Ron Howard
"Ocean's Eleven" Steven Soderbergh
"The Man Who Wasn't There" The Coen Brothers
"The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" Peter Jackson
"The Royal Tenenbaums" Wes Anderson
"Black Hawk Down" Ridley Scott
"Y Tu Mamá También" Alfonso Cuarón

Among the non-hits was a surprising (albeit narrow) miss from Spielberg "A.I. Artificial Intelligence", Michael Mann's "Ali", Michael Bay's "Pearl Harbor", Antoine Fuqua's best film "Training Day", Tim Burton's revival of an old franchise with "Planet of the Apes", and Joe Johnston's lackluster conclusion of the Dinosaur trilogy: "Jurassic Park III."

Fantasy film adaptations were the name of the game in 2001 as both the Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter sagas launched. Due to the younger age of both the cast and the target audience of the early Harry Potter films, Chris Columbus was selected to direct. He did admirably, with the initial installment scoring 81% fresh, a pair of BAFTA noms and a Saturn nom, and most impressively $318 million in receipts. 

The Fellowship of the Ring producers selected a director from a different world entirely. Peter Jackson had mostly done fairly campy horror material prior to directing Tolkien's epics. A match made in Hollywood Heaven, his larger-than-life interpretation earned a massive $316 million, is 91% fresh and got a ton of award cred to the tune of three Oscar noms, a Globe nom, two BAFTA wins out of four(!) noms, and one win in two Saturn nominations. That's 10 major award nominations! 

Less fantastical but no less fascinating was Ron Howard's biopic of the austere and schizophrenic mathematician John Nash. "A Beautiful Mind" won Howard a pair of Oscars, and earned a Globe nom and two BAFTA nominations. Its 75% rottentomatoes score is frankly embarrassingly low for the quality of the film which earned $171 million in receipts.

Also in 2001, Wes Anderson broke through with a hit after his first two critically acclaimed films didn't quite make the cut. Anderson, a master of the odd, demonstrated his skill of character creation in the film which is 80% fresh and earned both an Oscar and BAFTA nom.

Scott made two blockbusters in '01, BHD and the adaptation of Thomas Harris' psych thriller novel "Hannibal." The Anthony Hopkins project made money and spawned several sequel/prequels but is currently 39% rotten so not a benchmark hit. The other, an embellished true story by Mark Bowden of a downed American helicopter, earned Scott an Oscar nom, made $109 million, and is 76% fresh.

Coming off of their near miss in '00, the Coen Bros scored a borderline hit with a black and white, film noir, hijinks story. An Oscar nom and 81% fresh put the impressive ensemble cast into the hit column.

Mexican director Alfonso Cuarón's Spanish-language road trip story scored 92% and earned the director an Oscar nom and a pair of BAFTA noms to make his feature debut a hit.

With his third hit feature in a row, Soderbergh took the ensemble heist movie to new heights. Managing to get Matt Damon, Brad Pitt, George Clooney and more in the same cast brought out the crowds and earned $183 million and an 82% fresh rating.

If "Apollo 13" wasn't Ron Howard's best, "A Beautiful Mind" is, solidifying Howard as a force to watch in Hollywood. Unfortunately, it coincided with the pair of multi-billion dollar franchise launches which really contend for the Belt. The deftness with which Columbus handled his 11-year-old stars (and the fact he was in on the ground floor during their selection) is an overlooked element of the Harry Potter story. On the other hand, Peter Jackson's vision for LotR, the enormity of the spectacle, the precision of the cast, and the subsequent execution was nearly flawless. Advantage Tolkien.

TITLE BELT: Peter Jackson


"Catch Me If You Can" Steven Spielberg"
"Minority Report" Steven Spielberg
"Punch-Drunk Love" Paul Thomas Anderson
"The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" Peter Jackson
"Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" Chris Columbus

Scorsese's "Gangs of New York" falls one award nom, 6 percentage points, and $12 million short of being a hit. Lucas' Attack of the Clones wins a much deserved Razzie. Louis Leterrier teams up with Luc Besson and launches the fun (but silly) Transporter franchise. Nolan remakes a Norweigan crime thriller with "Insomnia." Gore Verbinski puts himself in the horror HOF with "The Ring." And my favorite movie ever, "Signs" by Shyamalan, is 74% fresh, ignored at the awards, and makes $228 million, just short of the benchmarks.

After a three year hiatus of non-hit making, Spielberg reminds the world he's alive with another double-hitter. Hanks and DiCaprio shine in the globe-trotting, believe-it-or-not true story which is 96% fresh and made $165 million. Cruise and Colin Ferrell get futuristic as Spielberg adapts a Philip K Dick short story about the age-old confrontation of free will and fate. "Minority Report" wins Spielberg a Saturn, is 91% fresh, and made $132 million.

PTA hits on his third film in a row by tapping into the surprising depth of Adam Sandler's acting talents. A pair of Cannes noms, with a win and 80% fresh show the quirky romance's success.

The two franchise don't waste any time on their sequels, HP's earning a BAFTA and Saturn nom, $262 million, and 82% fresh. Most fans of the series would rank this or the first as the least enjoyable of the bunch, but mostly due to the later installments' extreme enjoyability and less to these films' weaknesses.

Jackson took some liberties with his telling of the second part of Tolkien's masterpiece. However, those liberties were well received and Two Towers is currently 95% fresh, has made $343 million, and also did quite well at the awards. Unable to quite lock down any wins, Jackson received an Oscar nom, a Globe nom, three BAFTA noms, and two Saturn noms.

Although Spielberg put two films up for the Belt, and both were quite successful, Jackson's work made so much money and got so much award chatter, it's hard to take his Belt.

TITLE BELT: Peter Jackson (2)


"X-Men 2" Bryan Singer
"The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" Peter Jackson
"Kill Bill: Vol. 1" Quentin Tarantino
"Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl" Gore Verbinski

After the success of "The Ring", Verbinski took his horror chops in a Disney direction taking the inspiration for his blockbuster sea-faring monster tale from a Disney Park attraction. At 79% fresh and with a Saturn nom, the real hit impact of Pirates is at the gate where it made a cool $305 million.

Bryan Singer also cashed in with the second (and most critically accepted at 85% fresh) installment of the X-Men series with $215 million of receipts. Singer was also nominated for a Saturn for his efforts.

Tarantino, after a five-year break, scored his second career hit with the female action star vehicle Kill Bill with a pair of Saturn noms and an 84% fresh rating.

However, as if the industry was aware they'd be competing with a juggernaut, the only other non-hit of note is perhaps Ang Lee's "Hulk."

Jackson's trilogy conclusion matched the first two installments in acclaim (93% fresh) and in the box office ($378 million) but far outdid them at the awards. He took home three Oscars, a Globe, two of his 4 BAFTA noms, and two Saturns for a whopping 8 major award wins. Some of those may have been making up for the lack of wins for the other two, but a viewing of Return of the King will show you it deserved the love.

TITLE BELT: Peter Jackson (3)


"The Incredibles" Brad Bird
"Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" Alfonso Cuarón
"The Aviator" Martin Scorsese
"Kill Bill: Vol. 2" Quentin Tarantino
"Collateral" Michael Mann
"The Polar Express" Robert Zemeckis

While silent during Jackson's cleanup, the non-hits were plentiful in '94

Of the ones that made the cut, we see some familiar names from the '80s & '90s. Zemeckis' final hit (so far) featured another experimental and never-before-seen animation style. Using a motion capture technology and then converting it to digital animation, Zemeckis brought Christmas to life from the perspective of some children on Tom Hank's train. While critically panned at 56%, Zemeckis nonetheless earned a BAFTA nomination and the film made $186 million.

The other familiar name from an earlier era is Martin Scorsese. It's not as if he stopped making movies through the '90s, but six straight fell under the hit benchmarks since his 1990 superhit "Goodfellas" won him a Belt. Scorsese found his new star, Leonardo DiCaprio, and together they began a streak of five hits in a row (one of which admittedly Leo is not in). The first of those was a biopic of the eccentric personality Howard Hughes. The film earned Scorsese a nomination from the Oscars, Globes, and BAFTA, is 87% fresh, and made $103.

Also with his last hit to date, Mann gave us a villainous Tom Cruise, not a common sight, in his 86% fresh thriller. "Collateral" earned Mann both a BAFTA nom and a Saturn nom and made $101 million.

As the title would suggest, "Kill Bill: Vol. 1" was only the beginning. Vol 2 received a remarkably similar response, also earning QT a pair of Saturn noms, also at 84% fresh, and making a hair less money at $66 million next to Vol. 1's $70 million.

Brad Bird's second feature is his most well received to date, sitting at 97% fresh. The action-hero animated movie has made $261 million and earned Bird an Oscar win (plus another nom), a BAFTA win, and a Saturn nom.

Harry Potter waited an extra year before giving Alfonso Cuarón the reigns for the third part of the series. With a decidedly darker and more foreboding tone, the Prisoner of Azkaban was slightly more appreciated overall than its predecessors (90% fresh, $250 million) and earned Cuarón a pair of BAFTA noms (with one win) and a Saturn nom.

Bird's animated superheroes outstripped the other competitors on the list comfortably in both financial and critical success. But how does one evaluate the "director" of an animated film? It's notable he didn't only direct but also wrote the story for the film, meaning it's entirely his vision and creation. However, the awards which he received in conjunction with the film are primarily for the writing and not the directing, at least at the major ceremonies I selected to consider. Delving deeper into the various awards he received for the film, you will begin to find he also received a great number of "Outstanding Achievement in Directing" nominations and wins. Coupled with the massive success the film was (and I'd argue in some part a catalyst of the Pixar domination and not simply a symptom of it) and the lack of strong competition, I'm giving him the Belt.



"War of the Worlds" Steven Spielberg
"Batman Begins" Christopher Nolan
"Walk the Line" James Mangold
"The 40-Year Old Virgin" Judd Apatow
"Brokeback Mountain" Ang Lee
"King Kong" Peter Jackson
"Corpse Bride" Tim Burton
"Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" Tim Burton
"Star Wars: Episode III - The Revenge of the Sith" George Lucas

The non-hits include Spielberg's "Munich" (more on that in a moment), Ridley Scott's "Kingdom of Heaven", Michael Bay's "The Island", Rian Johnson's debut "Brick", and Ron Howard's "Cinderella Man."

"Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" was a hit for British director Mike Newell who was erroneously left off of the '94 race with his other hit "Four Weddings and a Funeral." Needless to say, Newell wouldn't have won that year and won't win this year. Apologies to Newell and his family for being left off.

Ang Lee's Western broke some social barriers, won him an Oscar, a Globe, and a BAFTA award and is 87% fresh.

Apatow's first feature film also perhaps attempted to break social barriers. The comedy earned $109 and is 85% fresh.

In 1993, Tim Burton wrote the script for a Christmas/Holiday film using a very particular type of stop-motion technology, "The Nightmare Before Christmas." He decided to use that again for the less successful, but still 84% fresh, "Corpse Bride." Burton received an Oscar nom for the film. He scored a double-hit year when his remake of Willy Wonka earned him a BAFTA nom, was rated 82% fresh, and made $206 million.

Peter Jackson turned his larger-than-life style onto a familiar tale with his sprawling remake of "King Kong." While I find it terribly boring, the critics rate it 83% and it made $218 million. He also received a Globe nomination and took home one of two Saturn nominations.

After receiving a total of four Razzie nominations and a win for the first two prequel Star Wars films, Lucas finally found some success with the third. Revenge of the Sith made $380 million, is 79% fresh, and earned Lucas a pair of Saturn nominations. It marks his last directorial attempt to date.

During the late '90s and early turn of the century, James Mangold had several fairly unsuccessful films but was able to break through with his biopic of Johnny and June Cash. Starring the enigmatic Joaquin Pheonix, "Walk the Line" made $120 million and is 83% fresh.

Spielberg made two movies in '05 and while neither were his best work, both are quite special in their own right. The non-hit "Munich" earned a pair of Oscar noms and a Globe nom and is 77% fresh just missing the benchmarks. However, its a really interesting movie about the Israeli hit squad sent to avenge the Olympic terrorist attacks. His hit adaptation of Wells' alien invasion is really masterful, but only earned a Saturn nom and sits at 75% fresh. The $234 million at the gate (Tom Cruise effect?) earned it hit status. The comparatively light response to these excellent films suggests to me a bit of Spielberg-fatigue perhaps.

After a pair of lesser-seen but critically adored sci-fi/thrillers, Nolan got his shot at a blockbuster with a reboot of Batman. It's hard to pick what Nolan's is best at because his characters are fascinating, his stories are deep, his settings are intense and developed, and his imagination is wild. Every aspect shined in "Batman Begins" and it earned $207 million, is 84% fresh (too low!), and earned Nolan a pair of Saturn noms, one of which he won.

Burton had a double, but neither really move the needle far enough to top Spielberg or Nolan. If "Munich" is a hit the year is Spielberg's as he would've again scored success on both sides of the blockbuster aisle. However, Nolan's foray into superheroes and action stars was both sudden and immediately successful.

TITLE BELT: Christopher Nolan


"Children of Men" Alfonso Cuarón
"Pan's Labyrinth" Guillermo del Toro
"The Departed" Martin Scorsese
"Superman Returns" Bryan Singer
"Mission: Impossible III" J.J. Abrams
"Babel" Alejandro G Iñárritu
"300" Zach Snyder
"Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest" Gore Verbinski

also one-hit wonder "Night at the Museum" by Shawn Levy, non-hits "The Prestige" by Nolan, "Deja Vu" by Tony Scott, "Miami Vice" by Michael Mann, "Lady in the Water" by Shyamalan, "Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby" by Adam McKay, and Ron Howard's Razzie earning "The Da Vinci Code."

The X-Men moved on from Bryan Singer for a brief time and so he attempted a reboot of Superman. We previously encountered Richard Donner's hits on Kal-El which were quite successful, Singer's take wasn't nearly as good. But it did win a Saturn, is respectably 75% fresh, and made $200 million.

Verbinski cashed in on the success of the first Pirates film, as Dead Man's Chest made a staggering $435 million in receipts. While I really enjoy it, I'm apparently in the minority as it sits at a 53% rating.

Guillermo del Toro tried his hand at a couple superhero flicks ("Hellboy" and "Blade II") with minimal success. Then in '06, he went back to his roots with the very imaginative cross of historical drama and dream-like fantasy in the Spanish-language hit "Pan's Labyrinth." 95% fresh, Labyrinth earned the director an Oscar nom, one BAFTA win and another nom, two Saturn noms, and a nomination at Cannes.

A high-profile writer (albeit a fairly unsuccessful one) in the '90s, JJ Abrams made his directing debut with the third installment of the Ethan Hunt saga. While hardly up to the first film's standards for this fan, the film earned Abrams a Saturn nom and made $134 million.

Iñárritu's second career hit was an award darling. The 69% rated film earned the director two Oscar noms, a Globe nom, two BAFTA noms, and three Cannes nominations one of which he won. It's extraordinarily ambitious and creative, but I (and apparently the critics) didn't particularly enjoy it.

A new genre began to reach the mainstream with nonhits such as "Sin City" made in the style of writer/stylist Frank Miller. After the moderate success of his feature debut with horror standard "Dawn of the Dead", Zach Snyder directed the first hit in Miller's comic-book, CGI laden, neo-noir style. "300" presented a thoroughly romanticized telling of the 300 Spartans who held off the Persians at Thermopylae. It earned Snyder pair of Saturn noms with one win and made $211 million.

Saying "The Departed" is Martin Scorsese's best movie is an impossible claim to defend, he's made too many great movies. However, his remake of the Japanese movie "Infernal Affairs" exhibits some of the most intense suspense and one of the greatest sudden twists I've had the pleasure to watch. It earned Scorsese an Oscar win, a Globe win, and a BAFTA nom, is 90% fresh, and made $132 million.

Cuarón's signature dark and brooding tone fit perfectly with the dystopian PD James novel. His third hit in a row is 92% fresh and earned the director two Oscar noms and a Saturn nom. In "Children of Men," both the intimate intensities and the atmospheric war environment are handled deftly.

Snyder, Cuarón, and Scorsese had a claim on the Belt in '06, but there can only be one champion. The uniqueness and success of "300" can be attributed as much to Frank Miller as it can be to Zach Snyder so he's out and while "Children of Men" is a really intriguing film, it didn't draw viewers as it only made $35 million.

TITLE BELT: Martin Scorsese (4)


"Ratatouille" Brad Bird
"There Will Be Blood" Paul Thomas Anderson
"American Gangster" Ridley Scott
"Knocked Up" Judd Apatow
"Zodiac" David Fincher
"No Country For Old Men" The Coen Brothers
"Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street" Tim Burton
"Pirates of the Caribbean: A World's End" Gore Verbinski

also one-hit wonder "Transformers" by Michael Bay, and nonhits the Jim Carrey horror flick "The Number 23" by Joel Schumacher, "Beowulf" by Zemeckis, "Shooter" by Fuqua, "Ocean's Thirteen" by Soderbergh, "The Kingdon" by Berg, and "3:10 to Yuma" by Mangold (ignored by award ceremonies despite 89% fresh).

Apatow's second hit is scored 90% fresh and made $149. The success of his consecutive hits spawned a number of similar sub-par films in their image. The greater Apatow empire is still making money today.

Bird struck gold again with his tale of the Rat who would be a chef. At 96% fresh and a $206 million haul, it earned Bird a pair of Oscar noms (winning one), a BAFTA win, and a Saturn win.

Tim Burton brought the dark but delightful Hugh Wheeler musical to the big screen in Sweeney Todd. A fantastic cast, some great tunes, and a creepy Depp performance carried it to Globe and Saturn noms for Burton and 85% fresh. Listen to this and tell me it's not beautiful (start at 1:10).

In the midst of a flurry of five films in four years, Sir Ridley found a hit in his gangster biopic starring Denzel Washington. Almost "Scorsesean," it earned him a Globe and BAFTA nom, is 80% fresh, and made $130 million.

After a five year hiatus and 12 years since his last (only) hit, Fincher impressed at Cannes (earned an award nomination) with his telling of the Zodiac killer's hunters. One of the films in this process I need to see, it is currently 90% certified fresh.

Verbinski wrapped up his trilogy (at least everyone expected it to be the end) with the least successful of the three. At World's End still made an impressive $309 million.

Daniel-Day Lewis is one of the very few men with a reasonable claim on the title "Greatest Actor Living." PTA's adaptation of Upton Sinclair's novel "Oil" is a highlight reel of DDL's acting. 91% fresh, "There WIll Be Blood" got PTA three Oscar noms and three BAFTA noms.

The Coen Brothers reimagined the modern Western and made one of the most awarded movies ever. In their distinctive writing style, the Coens took the simplest of scenes and made them tangible, memorable, and impactful. Consider this brief encounter as evidence. 93% fresh, No Country earned the brothers four Oscars noms of which they won three, two Globe noms of which they won one, four BAFTA noms of which they won one, a Saturn nom, and a nomination at Cannes. That's five wins and 12 major award nominations.

How to pick between PTA and the Coens? In every metric, the Coens led, albeit slightly. Their advantage in rating 93% to 91%, in receipts $74 to $40, and in awards five of 12 to zero of six. With the utmost of respect for "There Will Be Blood" I have to give it to the Coens.

TITLE BELT: Coen Brothers (2)


"Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" Steven Spielberg
"The Dark Knight" Christopher Nolan
"Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" David Yates
"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" David Fincher
"Frost/Nixon" Ron Howard

also nonhits "Valkyrie" by Singer, "Body of Lies" by Ridley Scott, "The Incredible Hulk" by Leterrier, "10,000 B.C." by Emmerich, "Hancock" by Berg, "Che: Part One" and "Che: Part Two" by Soderbergh, "Step Brothers" by McKay, "The Brothers Bloom" by Rian Johnson, and "Burn After Reading" by the Coens.

With one of the greatest films of this millennium, Spielberg brought back his action hero and this time it had aliens! Ok, a bit of an inside joke there, the fourth Indiana Jones installment wasn't quite up to the standards of its predecessors. It still earned a Saturn nom and made $317 million. Spielberg also received a lifetime achievement Globe in '08.

David Yates took over the fifth film in the Harry Potter saga and he hasn't relinquished the helm since. His style is now virtually synonymous with HP.  Order of the Phoenix earned Yates a Saturn nom, made $292 million, and is 77% fresh. 

Two years removed from earning a Razzie nom, Ron Howard scored a hit with the 93% fresh political drama. "Frost/Nixon" earned him two Oscar noms, a Globe nom, and two BAFTA noms. 

The F Scott Fitzgerald short story about Benjamin Button doesn't immediately strike a reader as film material (at least it never struck me that way). However, David Fincher isn't your average reader and adapted it rather beautifully to the big screen. He earned one nomination from each of the four major award academies, Oscars, Globes, BAFTAs, and Saturns. Additionally, the film made $128 million and is 71% fresh. 

All of that is well and good, Fincher even makes a decent claim on a Belt. But at 94% fresh and earning $535 million, "The Dark Knight" is simply in a league of its own. For his direction, Nolan received a pair of Saturn noms and one win, but the film did get Oscar recognition including the posthumous Best Supporting Actor for Heath Ledger. I unequivocally believe Ledger's portrayal of the Joker is the greatest villain in film history.

TITLE BELT: Christopher Nolan (2)


"Polytechnique" Denis Villeneuve
"Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" David Yates
"Star Trek" JJ Abrams
"Fantastic Mr. Fox" Wes Anderson
"A Serious Man" The Coen Brothers
"Watchmen" Zach Snyder
"Inglourious Basterds" Quentin Tarantino
"Avatar" James Cameron

This doozy of a year included nonhits Stephen Sommers' "G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra", Shawn Levy's "Night at the Museum: The Battle of the Smithsonian", Tony Scott's "The Taking of Pelham 123", Michael Mann's "Public Enemies", Emmerich's "2012", Bay's Razzie-winning "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen", Soderbergh's "The Informant!", Harold Ramis' last film "Year One", and Ron Howard's "Angels and Demons."

Of the list of hits only three make a legitimate claim to the Belt: Cameron or Tarantino.

The Coens got three Oscar noms and a BAFTA nom but no one saw "A Serious Man" with a paltry $9 million at the gate.

Abrams rebooted Star Trek and managed to create his own timeline without disturbing the venerated stories of the past. 94% fresh and $258 million but only a single Saturn nom mark its success.

Wes Anderson got an Oscar nom and a BAFTA nom for his 92% fresh animated story. 

Canadian director Denis Villeneuve's debut historical dramatization got a nomination at Cannes and is 86% fresh.

Half-Blood Prince made $302 million and is 83% fresh. Yates' direction likely unfairly overlooked.

Snyder took the comic-book style and applied it to a comic book story. Revolutionary concept. Jokes aside, "Watchmen" is dark, violent, and thrilling. It made $108 million and earned Snyder a Saturn nom.

James Cameron had lain dormant since his Belt winning epic "Titanic" in 1997. When he resurfaced, it was with a massive spectacle of a film. Critics rightly complain its story is predictable and simplistic but that fault pales in comparison to the immensity of the project. That immensity was matched by the enormous $761 million in receipts, 15th all-time in adjusted numbers. Cameron also received three Oscar noms, a Globe win, three BAFTA noms, two Saturn wins and a lifetime Saturn award.

Tarantino also had a bit of a break with guest director segments in the throwback "Grindhouse" and Frank Miller's "Sin City." In '08 he decided to try World War II. IG combines QT's signature dialogue style with some really intense suspense. He earned two Oscar noms, two Globe noms, two Saturn noms, and a Cannes nom. Definitely my favorite QT.

Cameron's sci-fi epic was his last film to date but according to him is the first of a five-film saga. Tarantino's hit was his sixth of the prophesied ten and another hit is coming. While Cameron's film made an enormous economic impact it doesn't hold a candle to QT's deft storytelling and seamless transitions from suspense to comedy and back.

TITLE BELT: Quentin Tarantino (2)

The '00s

Jackson (3)
Nolan (2)

Spielberg (4)
Jackson (4)

Jackson ($1.299b)
Verbinski ($1.245b)
Bay (1.095b)
Spielberg (1.052b)

The Lord of the Rings trilogy dominated the early half of the decade. Peter Jackson's vision and willingness to take creative risks paid off in a big way. Spielberg certainly has a reasonable claim at his third decade Belt in a row, but Jackson wins it by a nose. The director of the aughts is:

Peter Jackson

tune in next time for the exciting conclusion!

Monday, January 7, 2019

Director Title Belt, Vol 2: '80s & '90s

If you need to know how this works, check out Vol. 1. For sake of words, I'll launch right in.


"Raging Bull" Martin Scorsese

Critical success (95% fresh) street drama "Raging Bull" earned Scorsese an Oscar nomination and a BAFTA nomination. Also got Robert De Niro his 2nd Oscar. An auto-bid as the other heavy hitters laid eggs (De Palma's "Dressed to Kill") or just took the year off.

A notable exclusion, you may notice, is Stanley Kubrick's "The Shining." While I find the film riveting and genius, it earned a Razzie nomination for worse Director and was therefore disqualified.

TITLE BELT: Martin Scorsese (2)


"Raiders of the Lost Ark" Steven Spielberg
"Thief" Michael Mann
"Escape to New York" John Carpenter
"Das Boot" Wolfgang Petersen

Good group of flicks here. 

Petersen's Sub-movie was one of the originals of the genre (a favorite genre of mine) and received rave reviews to the tune of 98% fresh. It also earned Petersen 2 Oscar nominations and a BAFTA nom. 

Michael Mann's debut received a nomination at Cannes and is 96% fresh. 

Carpenter gave us the first installment of the Snake Plissken sagas, which received a Saturn nomination and is 86% fresh.

None of these films made very much money.

Spielberg teamed up with Lucas (doing the writing) and created Indiana Jones. Star Wars put Harrison Ford on the map, Raiders made him an unparalleled superstar. Spielberg received an Oscar nom, a Globe nom, and won a Saturn while the film made $248 million. Also registering at 95% fresh, Raiders was a phenomenon and only the beginning for Spielberg.

TITLE BELT: Steven Spielberg (3)


"Gandhi" Richard Attenborough
"Diner" Barry Levinson
"Blade Runner" Ridley Scott
"The King of Comedy" Martin Scorsese
"E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial" Steven Spielberg

Levinson had some writing credits, even earning an Oscar nom for the '79 screenplay "...and justice for all." but finally made his directing debut with "Diner" which is 92% fresh and earned an Oscar nomination as well.

Scorsese teamed up with De Niro again but also cast Jerry Lewis in the offbeat, dark film which can only be genre-fied as "Scorsesean." Nobody saw it ($3 million to date) but it's 91% fresh and got him BAFTA and Cannes nominations.

Sir Ridley hit on his 3rd feature in a row with "Blade Runner" which capitalized on Harrison Ford's soaring stardom. The Sci-fi cult-hit is 90% fresh and received a Saturn nomination.

Sweeping the awards was esteemed-actor-turned-director Richard Attenborough's biopic of Mahatma Gandhi starring Ben Kingsley. It won 2 Oscars for Attenborough, 1 Globe, 2 BAFTAs, and he was awarded a lifetime-achievement BAFTA at the same time. It's currently 85% fresh and topped out at a fairly average $53 million.

Above them all stands a little alien. E.T. is one of the few movies to achieve all 3 of the advanced versions of the criteria. It made a staggering $435 million (translates to $1.25 billion, 4th all-time), it's 98% fresh (you just don't see anything higher than 98%), and Spielberg was nominated for 2 Oscars, 1 Globe, 2 BAFTAs, and a Saturn.

TITLE BELT: Steven Spielberg (4)


no hits

The big movies of the year were "Return of the Jedi" which was a one-hit wonder for Richard Marquand. "Never Say Never Again" which saw Empire director Irvin Kershner try his hand at Bond rather unsuccessfully. And "Scarface", which was De Palma's best chance at the Belt but it was nominated for a Razzie and missed the cut elsewhere as well.

So, Spielberg gets to hold on.

TITLE BELT: Steven Spielberg (5)


"Spinal Tap" Rob Reiner
"Splash" Ron Howard
"The Terminator" James Cameron
"Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" Steven Spielberg

When I considered Rob Reiner for Belt contention I never would have guessed this film would make the cut. The zany mockumentary starring Christopher Guest is a well-deserved 95% fresh.

Ron Howard (after starring in the earlier hit American Graffiti) had made his directorial debut in '77 with the panned "Grand Theft Auto" and then had much more success in '82 with "Night Shift" but not quite enough to make the cut at 90% fresh. Finally, with "Splash" he received a Saturn nomination and was again accepted critically at 92% fresh.

"The Terminator" was James Cameron's second film, his first "Piranha II: The Spawning" surprisingly failing miserably (6% rotten). For Terminator, Cameron was nominated for two Saturns winning one and it currently sits as the only feature film considered for the Belt at 100% certified fresh.

Spielberg somehow managed to churn out another blockbuster, his third in four years, with the Indiana Jones sequel. Not as beloved as the first, it still is 85% fresh, received a Saturn nomination, and made $197 million. 

A strong case can be made for Spielberg, his film made more money, and he's the current belt holder three years running. However, Terminator spawned a multi-billion dollar franchise and is the 100% freshest. 

TITLE BELT: James Cameron


"After Hours" Martin Scorsese
"The Color Purple" Steven Spielberg
"Back to the Future" Robert Zemeckis

Notable one-hit wonder Ivan Reitman's "Ghostbusters"

Scorsese, always making a splash at Cannes, gets two nominations with one win with the bizarre comedy of errors. 88% fresh.

Spielberg turns his sights onto an Alice Walker novel about racial tension and identity. The film is nominated for a staggering 11 Oscars, one of which is for his directing. He also received a Globe nomination and the film is 85% fresh.

Robert Zemeckis had enjoyed middling success with his first three features but the time-bending sci-fi starring Christopher Lloyd and Michael J Fox was a major hit. At 96% fresh, the first of the trilogy made $211 million and earned Zemeckis five major award nominations. 

Another tough call. Zemeckis' film was a blockbuster and launched a trilogy but Spielberg's was adored by the Academy and demonstrated Spielberg's ability to not only do "fun" but also important work.

TITLE BELT: Steven Spielberg (6)


"Stand By Me" Rob Reiner
"Aliens" James Cameron

Reiner's Stephen King adaptation met good reviews, is 91% fresh, and got a Globe nomination.

Cameron hit critical gold again. The sequel to Sir Ridley Scott's "Alien" is one of the rare occasions the second may out-do the first. Witty, gritty, and oh so cool; Sigourney Weaver reprises her role flawlessly. Two Saturn wins and a nearly perfect 99% fresh rating make this a slam dunk year.

Notable exclusion, Tony Scott's "Top Gun" which simply isn't respected by the critics at 54% fresh and completely ignored by the awards.

TITLE BELT: James Cameron (2)


"Cry Freedom" Richard Attenborough
"Full Metal Jacket" Stanley Kubrick
"The Princess Bride" Rob Reiner
"Good Morning, Vietnam" Barry Levinson

A young Denzel and a peak Kevin Kline star in Attenborough's racially tense South African drama. At 82% fresh and with a Globe and two BAFTA nominations it comfortably achieves hit status.

After a seven-year hiatus, Stanley Kubrick came back with a bang. The sardonic and biting Vietnam War film earned him an Oscar nomination and sits at 93% fresh. 

Superstar comedian Robin William starred in Barry Levinson's take on the War, a shade different than Kubrick's. 90% fresh, Good Morning also made $124 million. 

One of the greatest comedies ever conceived, with a peak Carey Elwes, impassioned performances by Mandy Patinkin and Robin Wright, the unforgettable 6-fingered Christopher Guest, and the performance of Andre the Giant's life sits at 97% fresh. Unfortunately, comedies are spurned by award academies and "The Princess Bride" only made $31 million. 

This is a tough call, "Princess Bride" is obviously close to my heart but only barely making hit status puts it out of reach of the Belt. "Cry Freedom" received the most award recognition but made hardly any money and is the least critically appreciated. 

It comes down to two different takes on Vietnam. Kubrick's loud, angry, protest of the concept of American soldiering or Levinson's attempt to fight despair with a laugh. "Good Morning, Vietnam" is the better movie but it's hard to argue with Kubrick being the better director.

TITLE BELT: Stanley Kubrick (3)


"They Live" John Carpenter
"Rain Man" Barry Levinson
"Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" Robert Zemeckis
"Beetlejuice" Tim Burton
"The Last Temptation of Christ" Martin Scorsese

Carpenter, under the pseudonym Frank Armitage, adapted a Ray Nelson short-story about an Alien takeover in his second career hit. A Saturn nomination and 85% fresh signify Carpenter's first hit among three straight years featuring Saturn nominated Sci-Fi films. The best of which is likely '86's "Big Trouble in Little China" even though it missed hit status by two percentage points.

After nearly getting the Belt with Vietnam, Levinson comes back with his most successful and iconic film. "Rain Man" won 4 Oscars including best director for Levinson, best picture, and best actor for star Dustin Hoffman. Levinson also received a Globe nomination for the 89% fresh film which earned a strong $173 million.

Few films have altered the landscape of Hollywood so distinctly as Robert Zemeckis' second hit. Roger Rabbit blended animation and live action in a manner not seen before. While 97% fresh, the single Saturn award and $156 million in receipts undersell the impact of the mystery-comedy mix.

For Martin Scorsese, faith, a devout Catholic faith, in particular, has always been extremely important to his life and work. In '88 he earned an Oscar nom for the 80% fresh telling of the life of Christ, focusing particularly on the temptations in the story.

After debuting with the 87% fresh Pee-Wee Herman comedy in '85, few would like have predicted the career waiting for Tim Burton. Teaming up with Michael Keaton, Burton scored his first hit with the spooky comedy Beetlejuice. Laying the groundwork for his signature dark and bizarre style, B-Juice earned Burton his first Saturn nomination and is 84% fresh.

The battle here comes down, as in previous years, to impact versus immediate success. It also is a convergence of careers going in opposite directions. Levinson will appear two more times in our list while Zemeckis will score hits all the way into the 2000s. Subjectively, and when considering the data, "Rain Man" is the better movie. However, there haven't been many films which challenged the status quo of Hollywood more than Roger Rabbit.

TITLE BELT: Robert Zemeckis


"Lethal Weapon 2" Richard Donner
"When Harry Met Sally" Rob Reiner
"The Abyss" James Cameron
"Batman" Tim Burton
"Parenthood" Ron Howard
"Sex, Lies and a Videotape" Steven Soderbergh
"Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" Steven Spielberg

After the success of the Mel Gibson/Danny Glover buddy cop thriller in '87, audiences came out in force to support its sequel earning Donner his second hit. With $147 million at the gate and 83% fresh it won't quite get him the Belt.

Continuing an impressive run, Reiner's Billy Crystal romcom actually got an Oscar nomination (though not for directing), earned the director Globe and BAFTA noms, and is 90% certified fresh.

Cameron, three years removed from earning a Belt with "Aliens", earned a pair of Saturn nominations and won one with some original material. "The Abyss" is 89% fresh despite pulling in a merely average $54 million.

The success of "Beetlejuice" made Burton one of the most coveted directors in the business. He parlayed that demand into a franchise launching superhero blockbuster. The first film featuring the caped crusader since the '50s. "Batman" reunited Burton with Keaton and made a whopping $251 million, however it was ignored by the award committees and is currently only 72% fresh.

A new face made his hit debut in '89 with "Sex, Lies and a Videotape." Steven Soderbergh has had one of the more interesting careers over the past 20 years. His debut film, SLV, won twice at Cannes and also earned him Oscar, Globe, and BAFTA noms. Along with the other benchmarks and also 96% fresh, Soderbergh will never quite reach the heights of acclaim his debut afforded him. However, he will thankfully make more watchable movies.

Ron Howard found success again after three straight subpar offerings with the Steve Martin comedy "Parenthood." The 2-hour sitcom is 93% fresh and has made precisely $100 million.

A familiar face also returned from what will be his career high hiatus of three years without a hit (a mark he'll match 5x over his unmatched career). Spielberg's third Indiana Jones installment was more respected than Temple of Doom at 88% fresh (over #2's 85%) and actually has made the exact same $127 million at this point, a rare occurrence for 3rd installments over their corresponding sequel.

While Soderbergh's debut hit the most marks, it's a success in large part due to being the director's debut and less to anything particular awe-inspiring with the film itself. Burton's "Batman" made the most money but really isn't that great of a movie. Donner and Spielberg made sequels which owe much of their financial success to their previous installments. Despite loving Ron Howard, I can't give the belt to a Steve Martin sitcom, that just isn't right, however, Cameron's Abyss is hardly better than the other options.

So, what now? Perhaps impact will make the winner clearer. "Lethal Weapon 2" being successful emboldened the industry to churn out three more sequels, a TV show, and is part of Mel Gibson's "Hall of Fame" resume (something I hope to write more about another time). Burton's "Batman" was the first of a trilogy and prior to Nolan's esteemed take was the gold standard on the character.

Burton's slight edge isn't convincing enough. Zemeckis is the current title holder, what was he up to? "Back the Future II" the sequel to his '85 hit made a respectable $118 million but was not critically respected at only 64% fresh missing the mark. While hardly strong enough to earn the Belt on its own, none of the other options are strong enough to take it away.     

TITLE BELT: Robert Zemeckis (2)

The '80s

Spielberg (4)
Zemeckis (2)
Cameron (2)

Spielberg (5)
Scorsese (4)
Reiner (4)

Spielberg ($1.27b)
Levinson ($404)
Zemeckis ($374)

With more than triple the financial success than 2nd place and tops at every conceivable category, the director of the '80s is unquestionably

Steven Spielberg


"The Godfather Part III" Francis Ford Coppola
"Avalon" Barry Levinson
"Home Alone" Chris Columbus
"Goodfellas" Martin Scorsese

Before we look at how the films did, we can all agree Scorsese's "Goodfellas" is one of the greatest single movies ever.

So, how did Scorsese's gangster epic do? While only making $47 million, it stands at 96% fresh and earned him two Oscar noms, two Globe noms, and won 3 BAFTA awards as Scorsese's most awarded film.  

Gangster films were in vogue as Francis Ford Coppola finally completed the Corleone saga. It had been 11 years since Coppola had scored a hit, going 0 for 8 through the 80s. The finale didn't do nearly as well as the other two installments but did earn the director two Oscar and two Globe nominations. Rather famously, star Al Pacino recalled later they "only did it for the money." 

The success of the '80s put Levinson on the radar, and in '90 he scored another hit with an original screenplay about some Polish immigrants. He received a pair of Oscar nominations and a Globe nom and the film is 83% fresh.

Already successful as a screenwriter, Columbus had made his directing debut in the late '80s with moderate response. Most comfortable with family-friendly, comedic work, he struck financial gold with the Christmas-time foil, child-phenom Macauley Culkin. While the John Hughes' screenplay is not exactly critically adored (64% fresh) it made a massive $286 million. 

"Home Alone" may have made an enormous amount of money and launched a pair of sequels but comparing Columbus' directing to Martin Scorsese's is almost laughable.

TITLE BELT: Martin Scorsese (3)


"Bugsy" Barry Levinson
"Terminator 2: Judgement Day" James Cameron
"Thelma & Louse" Ridley Scott

Levinson's career is still going strong today, but he has yet to score another hit beyond his biopic of the father of Las Vegas, Bugsy Siegel. The film won a pair of Oscars, earned Levinson personally two nominations and a Globe nom, and is 85% fresh.

Callie Khouri's Oscar-winning script helped Sir Ridley's "girl's night out" thriller to 84% fresh. Scott himself earned an Oscar nom and a pair of BAFTA noms as well.

Seven years after his inaugural hit, Cameron made the sequel. Like the first, he grabbed a pair of Saturn noms with one victory and was embraced by the critics at 93% fresh. Unlike the first, people came out in droves and T2 made $206 million.

Sci-fi may not be everyone's cup of tea, but the wide-ranging success and cultural impact of T2 are undeniable.

TITLE BELT: James Cameron (3)


"A Few Good Men" Rob Reiner
"The Last of the Mohicans" Michael Mann
"Batman Returns" Tim Burton

Between Tom, Jack, and the classic "You can't handle the truth!" outburst, it's hard to avoid Reiner's military court hit. It earned Reiner an Oscar and Globe nom, is 82% fresh, and made $141 million.

Mann resurfaced, six years since his last movie and eleven since his last hit, with the Daniel-Day Lewis-starring James Fennimore Cooper adaptation. The fantastic movie, if you haven't seen it, is certified fresh at 95%.

Another sequel made hit status when the Burton-Keaton combo worked again. A Saturn nom and 83% fresh reveal the $163 million in receipts aren't purely resting on the popularity of the first film.

In non-hit news, Quentin Tarantino made his 90% certified fresh debut with "Reservoir Dogs" but nobody saw it. John Hughes and Chris Columbus teamed up again for "Home Alone II" although it's 30% rotten and deservedly so. M Night Shyamalan also debuted with a whimper, with the limitedly released "Praying with Anger."

The '92 Belt is another tough one. Mann's epic is, I think, the best film of the three, but both Burton and Reiner deserve their claim. "Batman Returns" is a successful film by my benchmarks, but it is a confused, mess of a movie, so Burton is out. Although my heart is with Reiner, who had a great run of seven hits in ten years (with one more coming), some of the scenes in Mohicans are simply among the best work you'll see.

TITLE BELT: Michael Mann


"Shadowlands" Richard Attenborough
"In the Line of Fire" Wolfgang Petersen
"King of the Hill" Steven Soderbergh
"Heavenly Creatures" Peter Jackson
"The Wedding Banquet" Ang Lee
"Cronos" Guillermo del Toro
"Schindler's List" Steven Spielberg
"Jurassic Park" Steven Spielberg

What a year. It also featured one-hit-wonder "Groundhog Day" by the late Harold Ramis. 

So many words could be written about 1993. Peter Jackson got his first hit with a vampire flick, Attenborough adapted CS Lewis' biography, Ang Lee and del Toro made splashes with their foreign language films, and Petersen and Soderbergh each had their second hits but only for Petersen would it be his last. 

But consider for a moment what Spielberg did in 1993. He managed to arguably reach the peak on both of the mountains he had professionally climbed. On the blockbuster side, his dinosaurs at 91% fresh, earned him a Saturn award, and made an astonishing $402 million. On the more impactful, important side, he won 5 awards personally (2 Oscars, 2 BAFTAs, and a Globe), and brilliantly told the story of a group of Jews who were fortunate enough to be saved from Heydrich's final solution through the efforts of a German businessman. 

No one ever has nor ever will have a year like Spielberg's 1993.

TITLE BELT: Steven Spielberg (7)


"Forrest Gump" Robert Zemeckis
"True Lies" James Cameron
"Ed Wood" Tim Burton
"Pulp Fiction" Quentin Tarantino

"Run, Forrest, Run!" Is only one of the many quotable moments from the era-spanning best picture-winning superhit. While some critics aren't as big on Gump as others (73% fresh), it did earn Zemeckis both Oscar and Globe wins, two BAFTA noms, and a Saturn nom. Where it really stands out is the massive $330 million at the gate. 

Cameron churned out his fourth hit in a row with another Schwarzenegger collaboration. Combining blockbuster thrills with comedy, Lies won a Saturn and made $146 million.

Tim Burton does a biography, earning a nomination at Cannes for his take on "The Worst Director of All-Time" Ed Wood. One can't help but wonder if Burton felt like he was telling what he saw as his own story. His second collab with Johnny Depp would certainly not be his last. Certified at 92% fresh.

Rather enigmatically, Quentin Tarantino announced to the world he only planned on making ten films. His second feature is arguably his best. "Pulp Fiction" made $108, is 94% fresh, and cleaned up at the awards. QT was nominated for two Oscars, two Globes, two BAFTAs, and one a Cannes. He took home one of each. 

While Burton and Cameron made successful films, the real contest is between Tom Hanks and Samuel L Jackson, between "Life is Like a Box of Chocolates" and "Say 'what' again, I dare you!", between Robin Wright and Uma Thurman. Zemeckis' film is timeless because it is familiar, it shows us things we know and taps into our nostalgia. Any other year, it would carry Z to the Belt. However, Tarantino is a genre unto himself and "Pulp Fiction" is the introduction and the apex of that genre.

TITLE BELT: Quentin Tarantino


"American President" Rob Reiner
"Jumanji" Joe Johnston
"Apollo 13" Ron Howard
"Sense and Sensibility" Ang Lee
"Se7en" David Fincher
"The Usual Suspects" Bryan Singer

Close but no cigar for Tony Scott's "Crimson Tide" a one-hit wonder.

New blood abounds as the decade hits its mid-point. Three directors made their debuts and yet another made his second appearance on the hit list. While the changing of the guard was at hand, Rob Reiner represented the end of the late '80s-early '90s directors with his last hit. Reiner's political rom-com is 91% fresh and earned him a Globe nomination.

Ang Lee had debuted in Spielberg's '93 but made his English-film debut directing Emma Thompson's Jane Austen adaptation. 98% fresh, it earned Lee a Globe nom and two BAFTA noms one of which he won.

Bryan Singer and writer Christopher McQuarrie teamed up for a thriller which is 89% fresh and earned BAFTA and Saturn noms. Interestingly, Singer was also given the President's Saturn, usually a sort of lifetime achievement.

Johnston's Robin Williams' comedy about the living board game earned Johnston a Saturn nomination and made $100 million. At 53% fresh, however, it won't make much noise in the Belt race. A brief look at Johnston's career will leave you wondering how he convinces people to continue financing his films.

David Fincher made his debut on the third installment of the Alien franchise in '92. So if your keeping score at home, Ridley Scott, James Cameron, and David Fincher directed the first three movies. Quite the run. However, it was his second feature, the murder mystery "Se7en" which scored Fincher a hit. A Saturn nom, $100 million, and 81% fresh don't do the film justice. Chilling and dark, Fincher flexed the psych-thriller muscles he'd come to be known for.

The last hit on the list is Ron Howard's third. At 95% fresh, Howard's retelling of the near-disaster in space is possibly his best movie. It also made $174 million and earned him a Globe nomination.

Several good films and some strong direction in the list, but the '95 Belt comes down to Howard and Fincher. I've already said much about "Se7en", so a few words about Apollo. Ed Harris and Tom Hanks deliver excellent performances which the film centers itself around. While the events are immense in and of themselves, it's the people which Howard focuses on. I always finish a viewing of Apollo in awe of how heroic those men were.

Howard's only hit of the '90s is as close a second place finish of any in the whole process. Fincher, however, made himself a must-see director.

TITLE BELT: David Fincher


"Fargo" Coen Brothers

An auto-bid for the Coen Brothers betrays how fantastic a film "Fargo" is. 93% fresh, the film also earned three directing Oscars noms (one win), a Globe nom, and three BAFTA noms.

In other news, "Independence Day" was Roland Emmerich's one-hit wonder, Soderbergh and Burton had less than stellar outputs, Wes Anderson made a quiet debut, Michael Bay made $134 million with "The Rock", Carpenter got a lifetime Saturn and gave us Snake Plissken round 2, Levinson adapted a controversial bio, and De Palma launched what I completely unbiasedly believe to be the greatest film franchise of all-time with "Mission: Impossible."

None of those made the cut.

TITLE BELT: Coen Brothers


"The Lost World: Jurassic Park" Steven Spielberg
"Boogie Nights" Paul Thomas Anderson
"Mimic" Guillermo del Toro
"Titanic" James Cameron
"Contact" Robert Zemeckis

Shout out to one-hit wonder "Men in Black" by Barry Sonnenfeld.

Spielberg made two movies in '97. I'll never understand how that's possible, but his other film "Amistad" earned a Globe nom, but is only 77% fresh with only $44 million in receipts. His hit garnered a Saturn nom and made a beastly $229 million, but is barely fresh at 54%. (My line is 50%).

Paul Thomas Anderson had debuted the year before to some critical acclaim ("Hard Eight" 83% fresh), but it was "Boogie Nights" which was his first of several hits. 93% fresh, PTA earned an Oscar and a BAFTA nomination.

For the second film in a row, del Toro is able to hit with his "Carpenter-ean" monster film. A Saturn nomination and 91% fresh make him 2 for 2.

Zemeckis hits again for the fourth time with a sci-fi yarn of his own, "Contact" made $101 million and earned a Saturn nomination but had its issues, as 63% fresh will show. Zemeckis was also given the President's Saturn award in '97.

$659 million. Adjusted for inflation, Cameron's epic love story aboard the doomed cargo ship has made an astounding $1.196 billion, good enough for 5th all-time. But it didn't only clean up at the box office, as Cameron won three Oscars, won one of two Globe nominations, and received three BAFTA nominations for the film. 89% fresh and truly iconic, few films have had the impact of "Titanic."

PTA's first hit didn't make any money. Spielberg and Zemeckis were hardly at their best which just makes it easier to give the Belt to the much deserving Cameron.

TITLE BELT: James Cameron (4)


"Saving Private Ryan" Steven Spielberg

It doesn't seem fair for Spielberg to get an auto-bid but let's be honest, nothing was going to beat SPR.

Among those that would have lost, had they been hits were Emmerich's "Godzilla", Tony Scott's "Enemy of the State", Michael Bay's "Armageddon", and the Coen Brothers' "The Big Lebowski."

TITLE BELT: Steven Spielberg (8)


"The Insider" Michael Mann
"Sleepy Hollow" Tim Burton
"Magnolia" Paul Thomas Anderson
"The Iron Giant" Brad Bird

one-hit wonder "The Sixth Sense" as well, for a personal favorite M Night Shyamalan.

Michael Mann brings some thrills from the nightly news in his adaptation of Investigative Journalist Marie Brenner's story about a whistleblower and Big Tobacco. He earned three Oscar nominations, a pair of Globe nominations, and the film is 96% fresh.

Burton and Depp collaborated for the third time, and once again scored a hit. The Washington Irving adaptation earned Burton a Saturn nomination and made $101 million.

While "Boogie Nights" was hardly a conventional film, PTA really scrambles his audiences in the converging storyline family drama "Magnolia." 83% fresh, he also received an Oscar nom for the work.

Brad Bird began his career as an animator for TV shows such as "The Simpsons" and "King of the Hill." Then later he joined Pixar and has been one of the most powerful creative forces in the industry. In between those two lives, he won a BAFTA for Iron Giant. 96% fresh, the film itself is good but not great, however, it was its success which launched his immensely impactful career.

Iron Giant isn't quite good enough for me to give Bird the Belt, so Michael Mann and his signature thriller takes it home.

TITLE BELT: Michael Mann (2)

The '90s

Spielberg (2)
Cameron (2)
Mann (2)

Spielberg (4)
Burton (3)
Cameron (3)

Spielberg ($1.109b)
Cameron ($1.011b)
Columbus ($890)

The '90s were a good decade for filmmaking and James Cameron was no small part in that success. A perfect 3 for 3 on hits, each of Cameron's movies was and is appreciated by audiences and critics alike. His triple Oscar victory in '97 with "Titanic" is one of the most dominating performances at the esteemed award ceremony in history. All of that is good for a really solid second place.

1993 alone would nearly be enough to carry Spielberg to consecutive decade Belts. Possibly the greatest historical film (Schindler), possibly the greatest war movie (Private Ryan), unquestionably the greatest dinosaur movie (Jurassic), another $200 million from the dino sequel and by the way had two other films in the decade which made money and earned awards just didn't quite make my benchmarks. And so with consecutive decade Belts

Steven Spielberg

Wow, that's a lot of words. Congratulations for making it this far! Next time I'll take it the rest of the way to now.

Friday, January 4, 2019

Film Director Title Belt, Vol. I

Recently, a relative of mine suggested I should take a look at directors in the same manner I've recently been looking at groups of actors. I did a little preliminary checking and decided to take things a slightly different direction. A journalist/blogger/sports media mogul I'm rather fond of uses a concept called the "Title Belt" in articles to tell the history of a particular thing in an engaging and interesting way. The "Title Belt" process sets up comparisons and context for accomplishments in a manner I very much enjoy.

I understand it such: the Title Belt is awarded each year to the ______ who stands above his/her peers in the field in question. It can be held for multiple years consecutively or non-consecutively. It is not simply the "most successful" in any particular category be it financial success, critical success, the volume of output, or the collection of awards earned. Each of those aspects and some simple subjective sense are used to determine the Title Belt holder for a given year. If no one steps up and takes the belt in a given year, the previous year's champ gets to keep it.

As is usually the case, your input is greatly desired. If there's a director that you think deserved a shot at the belt, let me know in the comments.

So, let me set the ground rules for this 3 part series of the Feature Film Director Title Belt. In order to make a claim on the title, you must have produced a hit in the given year. A hit is defined as a full-length feature film which meets one of two criteria:

Either 2 of these 3 benchmarks:
≥1 major award nominations (more on this in a minute)
≥$100 million gross domestic receipts, non-adjusted, per
≥80% fresh critical score on

OR 1 of these 3 more extreme versions of the benchmarks:
≥4 major award nominations
≥$250 million gross domestic receipts, non-adjusted
≥95% fresh critical score

Of the 55 directors I analyzed, there were 714 films over the past 60 years which met these criteria.

The awards I'm considering are the following:

  1. The Academy Awards (Oscars)
  2. The Golden Globes
  3. The British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTAs) 
  4. The Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films (Saturn Awards)
  5. Cannes Film Festival Awards
  6. Razzie Awards. 
A Razzie nomination immediately disqualifies a film from being a hit regardless of any other benchmarks achieved.

Obviously winning an award is better than just being nominated, but this isn't just simply a list of the "Best Director" winners, that would be boring.

I've also eliminated any one-hit wonders. Literally. For a director to hold the Title Belt, he/she must have achieved a hit more than once in their career. I'm also going to arbitrarily start in 1970. Mainly because my knowledge of films prior to 1970 gets pretty fuzzy. Volume 1 will take us through the '70s and then Volume 2 the '80s and '90s, then Volume 3 the rest of the way.

At the end of each Decade, I'll crown a "Director of the Decade" which will be in the same spirit of the Title Belt but won't simply be the director with the most belts. The number in parenthesis is the count of years that director has held the belt.


No hits

The most famous films made in 1970 were "The Aristocrats", "The Conformist", "El Topo", and "M*A*S*H" none of which were directed by someone eligible for my version of the Title Belt.

However, the '60s were dominated by a particular director who put out several hits including "2001: A Space Odyssey" ('68), "Dr. Strangelove or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb" ('64), "Lolita" ('62), and "Spartacus" ('60). His name was Stanley Kubrick and he'll have the belt moving into the decade.

TITLE BELT: Stanley Kubrick


"A Clockwork Orange" Stanley Kubrick

An automatic bid for Kubrick, his dystopian psych-horror received 6 award nominations and currently rates 89% fresh on tomatoes.

TITLE BELT: Stanley Kubrick (2)


"The Godfather" Francis Ford Coppola

Coppola takes the belt without much question. The gangster epic won 3 of it's 4 major award nominations, pulled in $135 million (which adjusts to over $400) and is 98% fresh.

TITLE BELT: Francis Ford Coppola


"Mean Streets" Martin Scorsese
"American Graffiti" George Lucas

Our first competition! Scorsese had debuted in '67 but hadn't scored too well on either his first film, "Who's That Knocking at My Door" or his second "Boxcar Bertha" ('72). "Mean Streets", however, is a critical darling sitting at 96% fresh according to the tomatoes.

Lucas made his debut in '71 with the critical success "THX 1138" but didn't score a hit until Graffiti. Sitting pretty at 96% fresh, the nostalgic high-school flick was nominated for 5 Oscars (2 for Lucas) and a Globe while making $115 million.

TITLE BELT: George Lucas


"Godfather Part II" Francis Ford Coppola
"The Conversation" Francis Ford Coppola
"The Sugarland Express" Steven Spielberg
"Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore" Martin Scorsese

Coppola gets an easy win with one of only a very few multi-hit years. The much-anticipated Corleone family sequel won Coppola 3 Oscars and got him two more Globe nominations. It also sits at 97% fresh. However, his most successful film critically (at 98% fresh) was actually "The Conversation" for which he also received a whopping 8 major award nominations, including a double-win at Cannes.

Spielberg's first feature film is already a hit with many, many more to come. The thriller took home a couple nominations and a win at Cannes and is 91% fresh. Scorsese' title garnered a pair of nominations and is 88% fresh.

TITLE BELT: Francis Ford Coppola (2)


"Barry Lyndon" Stanley Kubrick
"Jaws" Steven Spielberg

Kubrick is back with a 5 award-nominated, limited-release analysis of depravity and the human condition. Tomatoes has it 94% fresh. 

However, Spielberg's second feature is 97% fresh, got nominated for a Globe and a BAFTA and made an extraordinary $260 million. In adjusted numbers its one of 8 movies to eclipse a billion dollars. (Spielberg has another on that exclusive list).

TITLE BELT: Steven Spielberg


"Taxi Driver" Martin Scorsese
"Assault on Precinct 13" John Carpenter

Scorsese delivered his most critically acclaimed film with a typical tough, gritty street thriller he's the master of. Sitting at 98% fresh, "Taxi Driver" got Scorsese a BAFTA nom and a win a Cannes.

John Carpenter had already received a Saturn award for his debut "Dark Star" in '74 which missed the cut by a single percentage point. Precinct 13, a story of unlikely alliances in the face of Carpenter-style extreme violence and mayhem, however, is beloved at 98% fresh.

TITLE BELT: Martin Scorsese


"Close Encounters of a Third Kind" Steven Spielberg
"Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope" George Lucas
"The Duellists" Ridley Scott

The answer is clear, but let's look at the competitors anyway.

Spielberg's sci-fi epic, starring his friend from "Jaws" fame Richard Dreyfuss, pulled in 7 directing award nominations, won a Saturn, earned $136 million and is 96% fresh. Earned Spielberg his most award nominations.

Scott's debut got two nominations at Cannes and won one and is 92% fresh. This movie looks awesome and I need to get my hands on it.

The runaway winner sits at 93% fresh (which just proves 7% of critics are morons), won a pair of Saturns, got a Globe nom, and got the only 2 Oscar nominations in the Star Wars franchise to date. Its true victory rests in the enormous $461 million domestic gross receipts which in adjusted numbers is 2nd all-time at a staggering $1.57 billion. 

TITLE BELT: George Lucas (2)


"Halloween" John Carpenter
"Superman" Richard Donner

The big hitters from the early '70s took a year off and some new blood got a shot at the belt. 

Donner's fourth feature was one of the original superhero blockbusters. It took in a respectable $134 million, a Saturn nomination, and is 94% fresh (with a great soundtrack).

Much like Lucas in '77, Carpenter launched what has become one of the longest running "franchises" in Hollywood history. "Halloween" was the first of 11 films in the Michael Myers saga. Serial killer horror films are not generally well-received, however, Carpenter's launching pad is a certified fresh 95%.

The cultural impact of Carpenter's film trumps the blockbuster.

TITLE BELT: John Carpenter


"Apocalypse Now" Francis Ford Coppola
"Alien" Ridley Scott

Sir Ridley's 2nd feature launched a franchise of its own, with 7 films out and 2 more in production. "Alien" won Scott a Saturn and is at 97% fresh.

Coppola's 4th feature film, and incidentally 4th hit of the decade, is his most awarded film, getting him 3 Oscar nominations, winning 2 Globes, winning one of two BAFTA noms, and winning twice at Cannes. Sitting at 96% fresh, the Vietnam epic signaled the peak of Coppola's run.

In this case, while the Alien franchise keeps making films and making money, I can't overlook the 9 award nominations for Coppola and Apocalypse.

TITLE BELT: Francis Ford Coppola (3)

The '70s

Coppola (3)
Lucas (2)
Kubrick (2)

Coppola (4)
Spielberg (3)
Scorsese (3)

Award Noms:
Coppola (26)
Spielberg (11)
Kubrick (11)

Lucas ($576)
Spielberg ($435)
Coppola ($270)

I think the data is pretty clear, the "Director of the Decade" for the 1970s is

Francis Ford Coppola

tune in next time for the '80s and '90s